Chile is burning, please help

Discussion in 'My Story' started by Polita, Jan 28, 2017.

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  1. Polita

    Polita Apprentice

    I would very much appreciate it if someone with a big heart could send help or money through the Chilean embassy to help people who have lost everything. Because of the fires, whole villages have disappeared from the earth, if you hear the news you'll see what is happening, it's terrible.

    People have died, animals have died, nature has disappeared, I feel awful because we can´t do much, except send water, isotonic drinks, food for the firemen and the people, I mean food in cans, because people don't have where to cook.

    Please help these poor people who have lost everything, we have had fires during the last 10 days, and almost 500.000 acres (hectáreas in Spanish) have been lost. Please send us help.

    There are different groups organizing the help such as Levantemos Chile, Hogar de Cristo, etc. also some banks such as Banco de Chile, Banco Santander, Banco BCI have accounts where you can deposit money so we can build houses, schools, hospitals, but in this moment we need to take care of the fires, oh God help us.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2017
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  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hello, @Polita and thanks for posting this important message. I am sorry to hear about the plight of the Chilean people due to this unfortunate disaster, my heart goes out to them and your message will raise awareness. I will share this page on my Facebook and Twitter account and, hopefully, you might get a response.

    Going forward, I think you should set up a crowdfunding campaign on sites like and You can create a professional fundraising campaign and ask people to donate. This simple step will convince potential donors that this is a real deal.

    I really hope things work out and you raise buckets of money. I sincerely wish you all the best and I pray for the people of Chile that they recover from this unfortunate disaster.

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  3. Polita

    Polita Apprentice

    Thanks for your answer, right now there are 3 villages: Hualquy, Huerta del Maule and Portezuelo, in danger because of the fire, it breaks my heart to see animals with terrible injuries, perhaps they will have to be put to sleep, I can't bear this, sorry I can't go on writing.
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  4. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I'm sorry to hear this and I pray that the disaster resolves itself.

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  5. Polita

    Polita Apprentice

    I wanted to thank the American people, specially Lucy Ana Avilés, married with Benjamin Walton, who sent us the Super Tanker plane that has been a blessing to us because it has helped to extinguish the fires. There are some fires still but they are small and we can manage them, also we received a lot of help from USA amongst other countries, I am so deeply grateful and ask God to bless all of you. We are a resilient people, we are the most seismic country in the world, we have had terrible earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, now fires, the worst in all our history, around 540.000 hectares burnt and for sure we wouldn't be able to overcome all of this tragedies without the help of our friends, so thank you very much, we'll never forget it.
    admin likes this.
  6. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Great result, thanks for sharing! I am happy for everybody. This is what happens when people try hard to promote a good cause. Thanks for all your efforts @Polita

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