Christmas for my mom

Discussion in 'My Story' started by Babybear, Dec 22, 2018.

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  1. Babybear

    Babybear Newbie

    Could you help me and my brother for christmas we dont want nothing for,christmas, but we want to have something for my mom, she is the most sweetest mom ever, but she. Been in a domestic violence for a long time my dad was very mean to my mom he would pick out what she could wear he would put her in the closet if she was late with dinner,
    My mom came up missing for a few months the guys who took her beat her and her friend left my mom for in tacoma when two army guys found her walking nude and covered in blood she was in shock at the hospital, she was their for a week then on the news they found her friend dead when we went and got my mom. Took her home, things got worse he would beat her more he tried to cut her face with a hand saw and she blocked him and her arms are all cut up everytime she tried to leave he would find her and beat her my mom had a 2003 f150 silver nice my dad totalled it so. She couldnt leave and that truck was everything to her, grandpa got it for her and he's gone so she took very good care of it , he burned everything she had. She dont have nothing she finally got away went to my grandma jodys her moms and she been their for a couple months, she has classes to go to she been tring to get resources to help her with houseing she goes to domestic violence classes, but where she lives they have no busses and my mom getting depressed I here her cry at nite she about to give up, could you help us to get a truck, like she had and help,us with a place to call,home, we want are mom back, doing the things she loves she use to do alot of volunteering with homeless, help with church, if you can help us, my name is palix you can email me at. my moms name is amber layman her phone number is 3606052183 she lives at 203 chehalis ave PeEll wa 98572 thank you for reading and God,bless

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