Embarrassed and desperately seeking help

Discussion in 'My Story' started by Stephanie Hope Bach, Oct 25, 2017.

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  1. Stephanie Hope Bach

    Stephanie Hope Bach Apprentice

    Hello, my name is Stephanie and I live in Memphis, Tennessee.

    I’m 39-years old and on the verge of getting evicted any day now. Broke my back October 18, 2017. OMG IM so scared, I just found out I gave personal information to a scammer thinking they were from here. I’m so screwed. PLEASE SOMEONE ANYONE HELP

    Thing is I’ve lived in my house for 5 years and for past year with no lease so when it does come to that my landlord can evict without any notice.

    I’m on good terms with them but like a business, they need their money.

    I do have a disability hearing coming within the next month but not holding my breath for the landlord to show leniency (I can’t blame him).

    From birth, I’ve had health issues being 3mths premature.

    As a matter of fact, I was if not the first within the 1st five babies to have the steroid treatment to develop my lungs in 1977.

    I’ve had extremely high blood pressure since age 16, at 26 multi mini-strokes and was diagnosed with advanced stage of Atherosclerosis (MRI showed my brain was equivalent to a middle-aged man), had a heart attack in 2016 and found out my heart was working at 15%.

    I have documentation of all of this. I’m not asking for the world all I am asking for is to please help me not get evicted.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Dear @Stephanie Hope Bach, thank you for your post and welcome to The Find Some Money Forum.

    I have read your post and I am really sorry to hear about your circumstances.

    I hope and pray that your health and finances improve quickly.

    I will share your post on my Facebook and Twitter Account and hopefully, someone will respond.

    In the meantime, I think you should create a Crowdfunding campaign on sites like GoFundMe.com. Check out some of the successful campaigns being run and create a similar one. Then share your campaign with everyone. I will be happy to share it here.

    I will be praying for you, please, always keep faith and hope in your heart and never fall into despair.

    I wish you all the best. God Bless YOU>
  3. Stephanie Hope Bach

    Stephanie Hope Bach Apprentice

    What do I say or do? It’s different asking on a forum, lol
    admin likes this.
  4. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi Stephenie,

    Please do not email mrohde1969a@gmail.com as this is a scam. I have removed the user from this site permanently. If this person asks you to provide money do not give them any as they are praying on vulnerable people to make a fast buck. It is despicable.
  5. Stephanie Hope Bach

    Stephanie Hope Bach Apprentice

  6. Stephanie Hope Bach

    Stephanie Hope Bach Apprentice

    Omg!! Someone from admintration told me about him
  7. Stephanie Hope Bach

    Stephanie Hope Bach Apprentice

    Hello please answer
  8. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Do not worry. If that person emails you just ignore him. I am sorry you are experiencing this.
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