Fire victims

Discussion in 'Asking Celebrities for Help' started by Jalisa McCall, Sep 26, 2016.

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  1. Jalisa McCall

    Jalisa McCall Newbie

    Can you do me a huge favor
    And just share this
    My neighbors purposely started a fire and it spreaded to my house in a matter of 6 minutes and me and the kids ran out of my house with nothing but the pajamas we had on. I'm staring from nothing . I have 300.00 I'm trying to budget for our motel and food . It's not much . But if you can just share . Any little things counts . I'm also taking donations as far as kids clothes , diapers , and baby formula

    Hey, I'm supporting this fundraiser, please have a look - 'Help Jalisa lost home in fire ' Help Jalisa lost home in fire by Jalisa McCall - GoFundMe
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