Has Anyone Tried Asking Oprah Winfrey for Money?

Discussion in 'Asking Celebrities for Help' started by Shobir, Aug 24, 2013.

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Have You Received Help From Oprah?

  1. Yes - She Helped Me

  2. No - No Help given

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  1. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I've read a lot of articles on the internet about how people are getting financial assistance from celebrities such as Oprah, I was wondering if anyone's tried contacting Oprah for help and how they did it. I am considering asking her for help, what are the chances of success? So far I've read that she gave approximately $50 million to help people in America, do I have a chance to get a cut of this money if I'm experiencing severe hardship?
  2. Raymond

    Raymond Newbie

    I think the best way to contact Oprah is through her website contact form, you can find the contact form on


    The form allows you to share your ideas and ask for help, the only downside is that you only get 2000 characters to ask for help. You could try inquiring about any online financial aid the Oprah Winfrey Foundation offers.

    If anyone has an email address or a program that helps needy families and individuals please share it, I've also heard that Oprah gives out tonnes of money especially to those who want to further their education.
  3. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Thanks Raymond, this information will be very useful for anyone who wants to contact Oprah for money. I've done some research on the internet and found Oprah Winfrey's mailing address, it's officially an address for her fan mail but I could not find any notices preventing people from sending a letter there asking for financial assistance.

    Oprah Winfrey
    Harpo Productions
    PO Box 909715
    Chicago, IL 60690

    If anyone has tried and succeeded please share your experience as this sort of information will really help other people experiencing financial hardship.
    anonymous, arleen, Ammo_Ram and 9 others like this.
  4. Jason

    Jason Newbie

    Found this thread on the internet and it really interested me that you could send a letter or email asking for help. I am experiencing hardship myself and I found the following address for Oprah. It seems as though she's got offices scattered across Chicago, anyway here is the address if anyone is interested. Oprah has over a billion dollars in wealth so hopefully she can spare some loose change. Here's the address.

    I agree with Shobir, if we can share our experience threads like these will really help people who are experiencing financial hardship.

    Oprah Winfrey
    Harpo Studios, Inc.
    1058 West Washington Boulevard
    IL 60607

    Good Luck
    anonymous, arleen, Ammo_Ram and 11 others like this.
  5. Raymond

    Raymond Newbie

    Has anyone tried connecting with Oprah through Facebook or Twitter, it looks like more and more celebrities are connecting with their fans using social media, if we send a friend request will she accept? Anyway if anyone is trying to connect using social media I thought it would be helpful to add this to the thread.


    Good Luck
  6. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    After reading all the great things about Oprah I'm gonna try asking her for money, I'm going to start by sending her a mail through her site to see if she responds, if she does I'll let you know what it says. I've only got 2000 characters so this is what I'm going to write to her when I ask her for help.

    Dear Oprah,
    I hope you are well.
    I am writing this to ask for financial assistance, I have no assets and no savings and I am not getting enough assistance from the government. I want to further my education but I do not have the means to do so as most of the money I earn goes on essential expenses. Is there any way that you can help? are there any programs you can offer? Can you give me any advice that might potentially change my life?

  7. Raymond

    Raymond Newbie

    Hey, I think I might be doing the same. If you're looking for inspiration then check this video out. It's Oprah on the Jimmy Kimmel show and she's giving away free cars!

  8. Jason

    Jason Newbie

    Great video, at least I know she's very generous. I was doing some research on Oprah Winfrey Scholarships and found that applications are still being accepted for 2014 according to careersportal.co.za. Not sure if they're accepting applications for UK or US students and I'm not sure how reliable the site is so be cautious when you send any applications to them.

    You need to include a birth certificate and school or college report along with a cover letter asking for scholarship money.

    Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls /Boys
    PO Box 1485
  9. Alistair

    Alistair Newbie

    This is a great thread on asking money, has anyone successfully received any assistance from Oprah? I've been experiencing hardship with my minimum paid job and would definitely be interested in any scholarship opportunities Oprah can offer.

    Oprah has offered scholarships to African American men to attend Morehouse College, I'm wondering if they still take scholarships and it's definitely worth looking into. If anyones interested then the contact details for the college is given below.

    Morehouse College
    830 Westview Drive
    SW Atlanta
    GA 30314
    Telephone: (404) 681-2800

    I suppose the best way to contact them is by giving them a call and asking them how to get a scholarship from Oprah, you could write to them but I guess it will take longer. Once again great thread and good luck.
  10. FavellaMan

    FavellaMan Newbie

    I've tried contacted Oprah for help before and she did respond to me, I was in desperate need and she referred me to one of her Angel Network Charities. It really depends on your need, she will help you if you're desperate and have nowhere to turn to.
  11. OggyAnd

    OggyAnd Newbie

    I applied to the Oprah Winfrey Foundation for a scholarship years back and was awarded money to study at the University of New York. If you're an African-American women then you can find more information here, basically the Oprah Winfrey Foundation offered money to the University of New York to recruit African-American women for scholarships.

    African American Women Scholarships Information
  12. Father_Nature

    Father_Nature Newbie

    It's definitely worth asking Oprah for help and lots of people are reaching out to the Oprah Winfrey Foundation for assistance. There might be a lot of skeptical people out there however I found this blog which shows that people are contacting the chat show host for help and financial assistance. If you're looking for inspiration then take your time to read this.

    I Wrote a Letter to Oprah Winfrey and Here is the Response I Got
  13. Simrin

    Simrin Newbie

    I use to question whether Oprah really gives money away until I came across this article bookmarked below. A while back Oprah have a brand new Pontiac Sedan worth $30,000 to every one of her fan. The total cost was $7 million. Just goes to show how generous Oprah is. If you are thinking about asking Oprah for help then you should definitely go for it.

    Oprah Gives Away Pontiac Sedan
  14. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    If you're looking for inspiration then check out how Oprah gave a homeless man money. There are lots of people who bad mouth Oprah however this act of generosity really blows me away. Go Oprah
    Ammo_Ram, LaughDontCry, Juan and 6 others like this.
  15. hamza

    hamza Newbie

    Just read the article and was inspired by her generosity, some celebrities might have just looked the other way but not Oprah, she is a true philanthropists.
  16. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

  17. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Great links thanks for sharing, I can see the benefits of going to a charity as opposed to the philanthropists direct. The Project Cuddle foundation bought a tear to my eye, how can people abandon their children?
  18. Bizzy_Lizzy

    Bizzy_Lizzy Newbie

    Here are two Oprah Winfrey Charities and Special Projects

    O Ambassadors
    This charity teaches kids to give and help their peers in underdeveloped countries.

    O Ambassadors

    The US Dream Academy
    This charity works with the children of incarcerated fathers, it's a school program that helps children to maximize their potential.

    The US Dream Academy
  19. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    If anyone's wondering how generous Oprah is check this article out from Forbes which shows how Oprah saved a School in Africa, really inspirational.
  20. Hide&Seek

    Hide&Seek Newbie

    This is really inspirational, I'm thinking about contacting Oprah for help and might just do it now. Does anyone have a mailing address or email that goes direct to her inbox. If I can contact her I know I can get her to help me.
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