Help me help him?

Discussion in 'Asking Millionaires for Help' started by Patrick bollman, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Hello my name is patrick. I am a 26 year old nomad. Been on my own for about 14 years. I have no id no documents to get one and no family. I recently came to jacksonville florida and met this guy who got ripped off by a plumber off craigslist. I heard his story and told him i will come help. He said he couldnt pay me and i told him he already paid to have the bathroom done so its ok. He learned about me and let me stay with him for the past 2 weeks. Well, its come to a point hes maxed out all credit cards tapped on cash and has been trying to sell his stuff on ebay but noones buying. Hes a very nice guy having alot of problems and on the verge of losing his home. He even bought me a copy of my birth certificate. Its in the mail and i was hoping i can use it to get a loan to help him. Its in the mail so thats not gonna work. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can help him save his home? I dont even have one i just dont want him to live like me.
    Simrin likes this.
  2. Simrin

    Simrin Newbie

    Hey Patrick. Welcome to Find Some Money. I just read you're story and felt the need to reply. Your friend is lucky to have someone like you to look out for him. I have been in a similar position and help from family and friends have made the difference when getting out of my financial hell hole.

    Your friend has maxed out his credit cards which is unfortunate but understandable. Your friend now need to contact all his creditors and ask them to stop all the interest before the debt gets out of hand. The sooner your friend contacts all the credit card companies the better chance he will have to save his home from repossession.

    Your friend also needs to fill out a financial questionnaire listing income and outgoings and show how much surplus income he has at the end of the month. The surplus income needs to be divided among the creditors proportionally so everyone is paid a fair share. You need to send this information to the creditors and make minimum payments of that amount to avoid any foreclosure.

    You should also recommend asking for money on sites such as Fund Anything and Go Fund Me. You should also consider going to churches and local businesses for help with rent, food, money and other household bills.

    Your friend seems to be on a low income and therefore might be eligible for welfare benefits. You should head on over to USA.Gov to see if you're eligible for any welfare benefits such as Rental Assistance, Food Stamps, Heat and Energy Assistance, as well as Mortgage Assistance Programs.

    You can also find ways to make extra money, some of the strategies I've used in the past to make money include
    • Selling plasma ($50 per donation)
    • Taking part in clinical trials (up to $10)
    • downsizing (halved my rent)
    • Eating cheap (halved my grocery bills)
    • Offering services on Elance and Odesk
    • Offering services on Fiverr
    • Taking part in surveys and focus groups
    • Buying and selling items on eBay
    I hope this response helps and please reply if you have follow up questions.
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