Help needed for my grandson's hospital bills

Discussion in 'Free Money for People in Need' started by Estie, Apr 16, 2017.

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  1. Estie

    Estie Newbie

    Our grandson was born on Valentine's day, at 28 weeks, weighing 1.035kg, with an emergency c-section.

    He has been admitted to a private hospital because the government hospital didn't have a bed available in Neonatal ICU.

    He still is in hospital and his hospital bill is standing at 1.2 million rands (South-Africa)(and that is excluding the doctors etc.)

    We have tried crowd funding, to no avail, we are doing some fundraising but it's just not enough.

    Where can I ask for money urgently to help our little one?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2017
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi @Estie and welcome to The Find Some Money Forum.

    I am saddened to hear about your grandson who and I pray that he makes a swift recovery.

    I will share this post on my Facebook account.

    I know you mentioned crowdfunding has not worked but I believe a Crowdfunding campaign done properly will help you raise money.

    There are so many examples of how people raised money on sites like and they had similar circumstances to you.

    I think you should try one more time and explain your circumstances with all the details. I am happy to share your campaign here and you could find more people to share it with.

    Once your campaign goes viral you will be able to raise a lot of money...

    I wish you all the best...
  3. Estie

    Estie Newbie

    Thank you for the welcome and the advice, my daughter actually started a gofundme page but didn't hear anything from them yet,we will try again tomorrow and as soon as we have a link,I will post it here.
  4. Estie

    Estie Newbie

    Thank you for the welcome and the advice. My daughter actually started a gofundme page but didn't hear anything from them yet, we will try again tomorrow and as soon as I have a link, I will share it here.
  5. victorpisk

    victorpisk Newbie

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