How much money can i make as a female egg donor?

Discussion in 'Get Rich Legally and Fast (No Scams Allowed)' started by Tiplady, Nov 19, 2015.

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  1. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    Lately I've been thinking about donating eggs to help other people who cannot have children. I was just wondering if anyone had any information or experience in donating eggs. I've heard the payout is quite good and eggs can be donated on a regular basis. I need money to pay off my debt so if I can help others and make money and pay off debt at the same time It would be great going forward.
    Sadia likes this.
  2. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

    You can make money donating eggs and you would be helping others but its a risky proposition and one that you need to consider carefully. At these times of economic uncertainty many people are looking for more ways to generate income. If you are a fertile young lady then you can make money by donating your eggs. Many people ask how to make money donating eggs and there are ways you can do this. Many people earn from $2500 to $10,000 depending on the background of the person. If you are looking for ways to generate extra income and you can tolerate your eggs being taken away then this might be for you.

    There are only 3 countries that you can donate your eggs to, these countries and USA, Israel and Czech Republic. If you are interested in doing this then you need to go to these countries and start the process from there. Many other countries find the practice unethical and because of this it has been banned. Countries especially in the middle-east frown upon this.

    If you do decide to go ahead you need to find the right clinic. The best place to start your research and avoid any scams is to visit your local doctor and express your interest in donating. Your doctor will have a tonne of information on the subject and will be able to provide you with invaluable advice on where to go. You should only choose clinics that have been approved medically and avoid any cowboy clinics that are offering more money as they are usually more risky.

    Once you have decided on the clinic you can then go ahead with the process, normally this process takes a few months to complete so you have to be patient. Unfortunately it is not like giving blood so you have to persevere. Once you have completed the process you can repeat it and generate income.

    The amount of money you receive really depends on your background. If you have the right stature and build and have the right education then your eggs will cost more than someone without these qualities. Normally healthy good looking women with a great educational background can command up to $10,000 for the eggs. There is more demand for Asian donors so the premium and payout increases.

    If you are able to command $10,000 per egg donation and you can do this up to twice a year then you can expect to make $20,000 in a year. This is a completely safe procedure if it is done by the right person, as long as you are fit and healthy and have a good immune system you can live a normal life while making donations.

    Although fertility can optimize at different ages the recommended age for this treatment is between the ages of 22 and 30. According to the medical profession this is when fertility peaks and produces the best eggs.

    If you are interested in pursuing this route then you have to be extremely cautious. Only use clinics that have been medically approved and always read up as much as you can on the subject. Beware of the risks and the rewards and always keep your body fit and healthy. If you can approach this in a sensible direction then you can make a lot of money while helping others.
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