I need $10 dollars today what can i do?

Discussion in 'I Need Money Right NOW What Can I Do' started by admin, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I wanted to start this thread on how to make 10 dollars per day in your spare time so it could help supplement peoples incomes. Making 10 dollars per day means you could potentially make $70 dollars per week and $300 dollars per month and $3600 dollars per year.

    When I first started exploring ways to supplement my income my first target was to make $10 dollars per day. I would use this money to pay the bills and sometimes even save the money to increase my emergency fund. At first making $10 dollars per day was hard but over time as I become more experienced the money came in more readily.

    I wanted to start this thread so I could share some of the ideas and strategies I used to make $10 dollars per day. If anyone has any ideas on how to supplement their income by 10 dollars per day please share them on this post. I also get a lot of emails from readers asking how to start out making passive income and I thought this would be a great thread to get them started. So here goes! my first idea and remember please be as informative and as helpful as possible.

    IDEA 1: Start Blogging Online

    I made my first few dollars blogging my ideas on a website I created. If you're passionate about a subject that can be monetized such as Fashion of Finance you could make $10 dollars per day writing a few posts per day. The requirement is to set up a blog and then monetize using advertising programs such as Google Adsense or the Amazon Associates Program. Your aim is to grow your audience and offer them insights into the subject that you will eventually become an expert of.

    You can make a lot of money blogging and bloggers such as Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income are getting close to making $100,000 dollars per year.

  2. Quentin

    Quentin Newbie

    IDEA 2: Buy and Sell on eBay

    For a long time I've been buying and selling on eBay and on average I make anything between 5 dollars to 40 dollars per day depending on how active I am. The trick to making money on eBay without selling anything is by developing an eye for under priced items which can be improved and sold on. My particular specialty is to find designer items which can be bought back to life with a little dye or stitching. To market the items you need to take excellent HD quality pictures and be as descriptive as possible to help the buyer make an informed decision. You can probably do this with most items and I know many eBay sellers making a fortune by buying, improving and selling products and services. This is a great way to make money and its fun too!
  3. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    Idea 3: Take Part in Surveys

    I made a decent amount of my income from taking part in surveys. There are a lot of illegal sites offering to pay big for surveys and you need to avoid the ones which require upfront payments. At first you will make a few bucks a week however once you become established and experienced you will be eligible for higher paying surveys and you can easily make between $10 dollars and $50 dollars per day spending a few hours on your laptop daily.

    Check out some of the best survey sites and how someone made $1500 just my completing surveys online.

  4. james oduor

    james oduor Newbie

    Idea 4: Make Money By Saving Money

    For me and many might disagree, making 10 dollars per day is the same as saving 10 dollars per day. Think about it. The quickest way to make 10 dollars is to stop spending it. Saving $10 dollars per day means you need to cut your expenses by $300 dollars per month which is doable as long as you've got an income.

    When I needed to I was able to shave $500 dollars off my budget without really sacrificing my lifestyle. It can be done and it should be done before you attempt to make money because it will help you discipline yourself and give you experience in managing money. Here are some of the things that I did.

    1. Switched to generic brands over expensive brands

    2. Stopped eating out and instead cooked meals at home

    3. Started batch cooking and freezing

    4. Cancelled all cable and gym subscriptions and worked out from home

    5. Carpooled and then took up cycling to avoid nasty car payments and insurance

    6. Found a better deal for health insurance, life insurance and other small payments that add up

    7. Bought designer used clothes from thrift store

    8. Got onto a better mortgage deal to save hundreds

    9. Anyone could move to a cheaper apartment if they are renting

    10 Always try to make and mend things so you don't have to go into emergency fund

    11. Simplify your life and learn to live with less clutter

    If you can seriously commit to taking action on the above tips you could easily save $300 dollars and probably even more. This exercise would make you disciplined and help you to keep costs under control not to mention making you wiser with finance in the long run. Once you have costs firmly under control you could pursue ways to multiply your revenue stream and boost your income.

  5. IDEA 5 - Sell Recycled Phones

    This idea worked incredibly well for me and helped me get out of a tight spot when I lost my job. I published and distributed a flyer asking my local community for old recycled phones which they no longer needed. I came across as a professional company who would responsibly dispose or reuse mobile phones which normally end up in landfills. I offered people an email address and phone number to text me if they had an old mobile phone they no longer needed.

    The response was amazing and I did manage to make money recycling mobile phones. I was easily able to make 300 dollars per month. I then replicated this process to other towns to make money and steadily my income stream has been rising. You could apply this method to other things that pay money when your recycle.

    hamza, Sadia, Robotick and 2 others like this.
  6. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    Idea 6: Recycle Scrap Metal

    This is sort of like the recycle cell phones ideas and uses the same strategy. I have personally supplemented my income by 300 to 500 dollars a month which roughly equates to over 10 dollars per day. I think strategy is the most important factor here. You have to market your services effectively which means flyers through doors, advertisements on newspapers and setting up meetings with large companies who have a lot of metal turnover. At first it does take time to become known but after a while the money does come in consistently. You'll probably have to spend a few hours a day working on the project. I started off slow but eventually the idea took off and I'm making enough additional income to really make a debt in my debt. Once I pay off my consumer debts and student loans I'll be looking to pay off my mortgage early. I guess my ultimate goal is freedom from debt!

    hamza, Sadia, Robotick and 1 other person like this.
  7. Mike Baggaley

    Mike Baggaley Newbie

    IDEA 7 - Offer a Cleaning Service

    Cleaning is big business and if you can exceed customer expectations you can make a lot of money. If you're looking to supplement your income and/or start a business you might want to consider cleaning. The demand for commercial and private cleaners is increasing and if you can offer an effective service you could make at least 10 dollars per day.

    When I first started my cleaning business I offered carpet cleaning, bathroom cleaning, laundry. I marketed my services online and on my local newspaper as well as with local businesses. Right from the start I was able to make 10 dollars per day. 9 months later I have hired 7 people and offer a comprehensive cleaning service to local business and private individuals. The key to success is to exceed customer expectations and they will hire you again.

    I wanted to share this idea because 9 months ago I was completely broke. I lost my job and had little or no savings and I had mountains of debt and the creditors were on my back. I read about this idea on a blog and decided to take the plunge. I worked hard with the mindset that failure was not a option and success had to come. 9 months later I have a flourishing company and I'm hiring people to keep up with demand. I have a nice emergency fund and I'm slowly but surely paying off my debt to my creditors and family. I hope to grow this business so I'll be able to completely clear all my debts and concentrate on passing something on to my children so they have a better life than me. I really hope someone is inspired by this idea because it has made a difference in my life.
    hamza, Sadia and Robotick like this.
  8. Robotick

    Robotick Newbie

    IDEA 8 - Offering a Sitting Service

    One sure fire way of making at least 10 dollars per day is by offering some sort of sitting service. You could offer a baby sitting service, a pet sitting service or even a house sitting service. Whatever you decide to do you must offer a professional service to get ahead of all the competition. My sister offers a baby sitting service, she has all the necessary qualifications such as First Aid, Health & Safety, Child Development and has recommendations/references and phone numbers of previous clients. Having all this information gives parents peace of mind so they can leave the children knowing they are safe. This idea should also apply to pet sitting and house sitting.

    Depending on the qualifications you have and past reference you could make good money. As you collect more qualifications and references you can charge more for your services and clients and willing to pay a premium for experience. My sister has been doing this for a while and charges a decent hourly rate for her services. She has parents who use her over and over again and recommend her to other parents. Her business is booming and she's really making progress paying off her debt. If you're looking to make money then this is a low risk strategy to get started.
    hamza and Sadia like this.
  9. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

    Idea 9 - Become an Affiliate Marketing Entreprenuer

    If you really like a product or service and believes it adds value then you could affiliate yourself to that product or service and recommend these items. Every time someone buys these items through your recommendation you receive commission. There are lots of programs you can choose from. I was able to make 10 dollars a day by choosing 5 products which I really believed in. I created a polished website and wrote in depth review so people could make a better informed decision. I also used search engine optimization to get a nice chunk of traffic from Google. The conversion rate has been excellent because of the position in the search engine results and because the reviews are the best online.
    hamza likes this.
  10. hamza

    hamza Newbie

    Idea 10 - Become a Day Trader

    This idea is not suitable for everyone and you could lose money if you don't know what you are doing. However if you can educate yourself in the stock market and forex market and understand fundamental and technical analysis and remain calm with robust money management rules you could make 10 dollars a day at the bare minimum. I know traders who make $100 dollars per day with little risk and some make thousands of dollars.

    If you are interested in this idea you need to educate yourself to expert level and paper trade a few months to get use to the settings and pace. Once you have some solid results you can take the plunge. Day trading might have a bad reputation but this is because novices thought they could become millionaires overnight and got stung. Be patient and take your time, this skill could earn you a lot of money.

  11. victorpisk

    victorpisk Newbie

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