I need $100 dollars right now - does anyone have any ideas

Discussion in 'Free Money for People in Need' started by Eduardo, Dec 30, 2014.

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  1. Eduardo

    Eduardo Newbie

    My friend who recently lost her job is now facing hardship. She has turned to me for financial assistance. I've given her the usual advice of seeking benefits and contacting people, charities and philanthropists for help. She has asked me for a 100 dollar loan and I've refused because I know she'll keep on asking for more and never be able to repay which would ruin our relationship. Rather than giving her money I said I would create this thread for her and share ideas on how to make $100 dollars quickly. For people experiencing hardship having the ability to make $100 dollars quickly would make all the difference in surviving their financial despair. Please FSM Community help me to help my friend by sharing any ideas you have to make money quickly! must be legal.
  2. Simrin

    Simrin Newbie

    The quickest way to raise $100 dollars would be to sell something. I've experienced financial despair and selling the things I no longer need helped me to declutter my home and to raise money so I could survive financial hardship and find a job. Do the following

    1. Make a list of all the items you no longer need (Be relentless)

    2. In your spare time (You should have a lot) post these items on sites like eBay and Craigslist

    3. Here's the trick to getting 100% more - Use lots of photos and have extremely helpful descriptions and offer to answer any questions honestly.

    4. Once you sell items use the money to get out of hardship

    If you need inspiration check out some of the eBay millionaires who mare making a killing every month. There is a chance that your decluttering could lead to something big.

    I really hope your friend finds her feet.

  3. Rayhan

    Rayhan Newbie

    Selling Plasma is an option. There are many people who might frown upon this suggestion however if you're in a tight spot then donating your blood a few times a month can really help with finances especially when you're experiencing hardship. In the past I've donated 4 times a month and its been hard but I did make an average of $300 per month and that helped to put food on the table. I know its an extreme suggestion however its a suggestion nevertheless and just think about all the people you'd be saving with your blood. Check out the following video! it is slightly gorey but at least you'll know whats in store. Good Luck.

  4. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    Whenever I need a few extra bucks I rent out one of my rooms. You'd be surprised how savvy landlords take advantage of space. I know a particular landlord who managed to increase their income by 70% just be adding more rooms and using the attic as storage space. If you're friend does have extra room in her house then consider using it as storage space. She should also consider taking a room mate just so the costs of living can be shared, it's a much more cost effective solution. When I was strapped for cash I did exactly this and managed to get through my job loss. Now that I do have a job I enjoy the extra income generated from having a lodger and renting out storage space. Its a win-win.

    I like how this forum posts a lot of videos so here's one to maximise space!

  5. hamza

    hamza Newbie

    Whenever I need money quick and believe me there have been plenty of times, I have gone knocking door to door in my local community offering a car washing service. I have a hosepipe which fits to any sink and I have my own cleaning and shining treatment and equipment. I offer $10 to $50 dollar service depending on how clean they want the car and I aim to wash at least 5 cars per day. This is a great way to make money especially when you're strapped of cash. Community members love helping people out so your friend might have a great chance of earning some additional income during these times of unemployment. Hope this helps.
  6. SueStanton

    SueStanton Newbie

    Nice thread, full of money making ideas. Whenever I'm in a spot of bother and need 100 dollars quickly I always return items that I've bought in the last month. You'll be surprised at all the crap that we accumulate. Ask your friend to go through her past purchases and see if any items can be returned. Any electrical items, clothes, books, subscriptions etc which are not essential for survival can be returned. In the past I've had no trouble raising 100 bucks just be returning its so its worth suggesting. Anyway I hope your friend makes it, I pray for her.
  7. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    Has your friend tried babysitting? In the UK you could get anything between £5 to £20 and I'm guessing the rates are very similar in the USA. When my other half needed 100 dollars she networked with lots of mums and put an advertisement on the school noticeboard. There is overwhelming demand for quality babysitters who know what they are doing. Once you get a few good clients word of mouth will spread and you will start to get regular work. Hope everything works out.

  8. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

    I'm really sorry to hear about your friends financial troubles. I myself have experienced financial hardship and its not nice. I turned to blogging to help out with bills in my extra time. At first I was aiming to make $100 per month but now my wildest expectations have been surpassed and I earn over $1000 dollars each month. If your friend is obsessed and passionate about a certain subject she could try her hand at blogging. If she can create quality content and then build an audience base she could easily alleviate her financial troubles! Check out the following video on how people are making thousands blogging quality content.

  9. Rayhan

    Rayhan Newbie

    If you're friend is good at maths she could try bookkeeping. There are millions of small businesses in the USA and they need someone to handle their accounts. Accountants charge an arm and a leg for basic bookkeeping service so if you can offer a similar service and charge half the amount you could make a nice income on the side just by doing the books for some local businesses. You can advertise your services online or canvas local businesses for their custom. If your friend does not have any bookkeeping skills you could always learn and then earn a decent income on the side. I really hope everything works out for her.

  10. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    When I lost my job the first thing that I looked at was my finances and budget and did the following:

    1. Call all creditors and explain financial situation - Ask them to freeze the interest and try to consolidate as much of the debt as possible. I'm guessing your friend needs 100 dollars quickly to pay a bill, while this will work for a while it is better to explain your financial situation to them before things get out of hand.

    2. Look at your budget and slash all your non essential items which will not contribute towards your effort when looking for another job. I sold my car, and other household items and was able to raise a substantial amount which went towards my survival.

    3. Apply for as many welfare benefits as possible - If you've paid your taxes then you're entitled to help so make sure you get what you're entitled to.

    4. Simplify your finances - Just have one bank account and one credit card, this simplifies your finances so you don't have to worry about where the money is going and where its coming from.

    Once you've sorted your finances out you will be in a better position to survive and find a job. I really hope your friend finds a job quickly.

    Check out the following video from Money Smart Week which gives some great ideas for a Financial Makeover.

  11. Tiplady

    Tiplady Newbie

    Excellent Advice @Shobir. When I lost my job during the 2008 financial crisis I contacted all my creditors and to my surprise they were willing to freeze my interest for 3 months until I was able to get back to me feet. I was also able to get in touch with a debt counsellor who helped me work out my income and expenses so I knew how much I could afford to pay. I made one payment to the debt counsellor who distributed the amount to the creditors. This step alone took a massive burden off my chest and saved so much on interest payments. Sometimes removing these stresses can help you find a job quicker. Hope all the advice on this excellent thread helps your friend! Good Luck.
  12. james oduor

    james oduor Newbie

    Your friend sounds like she's in trouble. I've been in a similar position where people have asked me for loans. Like you I refused and helped them in other ways. Your friend is likely to apply for expensive loans like payday loans or logbook loans which would be disastrous for her finances. I think you should definitely advise her of the risks of letting debt spiral out of control. Some of the advice given here is great and I think your friend should definitely contact her creditors to get them off her back. Hope everything works out.
  13. Romario

    Romario Newbie

    If your friend needs 100 dollars quickly she should take part in small clinical trials. Clinical trials run by reputable drug companies have helped me to make a substantial income in my spare time. I've earned anything between 100 dollars and 4000 dollars just by taking part in new clinical studies. Not only would you be supplementing your income you would also be helping to advance medicinal science. You can find government approved clinical trial companies and enrol. You will then be contacted with further information. Clinical trials are a great way to earn more money and if you've got nowhere else to turn to this might be the perfect solution. Hope everything works out for your friend. Good Luck.

    JibberJabber27, Miles and Robotick like this.
  14. Robotick

    Robotick Newbie

    Great thread. You've made the right decision by not giving your friend money. One way your friend could make money is through Clickbank affiliate sales. You open a Clickbank account and then find products which you can promote by either creating a blog or website. There are many Clickbank users who make over $10,000 dollars a month so making $100 dollars quickly is achievable. I myself have used clickbank to promote products I believe in on my site and I make a healthy income stream every month. The site is credible and as long as you play by the rules you can make money. As everyone is including videos check out the following if you require more inspiration.

    JibberJabber27 and Miles like this.
  15. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Some really good suggestions here! I will make this thread sticky so more readers can benefit from it. Great work guys!
    JibberJabber27 and Miles like this.
  16. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    This might seem like a very long shot but I thought I'd chime in with the idea. A friend of mine was in a very similar situation where he was fired from his job through no fault of his own. He was determined to not let his circumstances spiral out of control and started by going on whatever welfare benefits he could get on. He drastically downsized and cut out all excess spending so he could concentrate on two things (1) Getting a Job (2) Developing an APP.

    My friend had a great idea for an APP and contacted APP Sumo to bring his idea to life and now he is earning in excess of $1000 dollars per month consistently. He now has several other ideas in the pipeline and has a part time job as insurance. I guess this goes to show that if you've got a creative resilient mind you can overcome any adversity!

    If you do have a great idea check out the video below!

    JibberJabber27 likes this.
  17. Eduardo

    Eduardo Newbie

    I'm overwhelmed by all the ideas on this thread. Thank You. I have forwarded this site to my friend and she's already got some ideas to get herself out of trouble. Many thanks.
    JibberJabber27 likes this.
  18. I've tried this and it actually works. When I was desperate for money I found some paid blood banks in my area and then signed up for them. I belonged to a blood group which was in demand and I made enough every month to get by. The idea is to remain healthy and to spread out your plasma donations so you don't get too weak and the clinics don't ban you for over donating. Even a few donations per month can make a real difference. Give it a try.
  19. Great idea! I've not tried this but am willing to see how much I can make. I'm happy to be the guinea pig for an experiment that just might help to save lives. Can you give me the site you mentioned, the one thats approved by the government?
  20. App Sumo sounds great however have you tried App Village. This site usually validates your idea for free and then develops the app and markets it. The profits are shared between the developers and the creators. If you've got a great app idea and you don't have the skills try visiting app village. Currently they are not accepting new ideas however you could leave your email addreess and you'll be notified when the service reopens. Good Luck.
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