I need help please

Discussion in 'Asking Millionaires for Help' started by MamaBearcubs8995, Sep 13, 2014.

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  1. Is there really millionaires out there to help you if so please send me address cause I am a mom and a survivor of breast cancer I need help to fix my car or a new vehicle my son had paid 600 to fix part of it for me but I have a list on what else it needs to be done on it I had added up every thing to pay for rent my medical bills and other bills and to get my car fixed and running like it use to be .I am on social security and I get less than $634.00 a month and that cant pay rent power bill phone insurance social security don't pay much I need to move back to Washington state where my doctors are . here my medicare wont pay the doctors .my sons want to take care of me because of 2 things and 1 is I am having a hard time trying to get doctors that would fill my medications and 2 I had raised them by myself I cant let them they did enough had gotten into their savings just to help me and my youngest took money from his saving that he is saving for college and my oldest he gave me some money too but when I found out that it was the money he was going to use for a wedding ring you don't know how much it hurts when you find out that is where that money came from I had sold my bed my stereo couch and chair and some jewelry just to pay some bills .being on disability you cant get a job I had put in 47 applications for work out of those 47 had only 4 interviews even though I cant work but I have too need to pay bills and my sons back but here I am not qualified or just under being qualified and that sucks I don't want to live on the streets I need to move back next year cause I cant break my lease once I get back to Washington state if I can get the money my sons wont have to worry so much about me I worry about them using their money to keep me alive my sons don't need to add to their worries please if you know any millionaires that helps PLEASE I BEG OF YOU PLEASE SEND NAMES AND ADDRESSES my sons don't know that I had put this up
  2. Hey MamaBearCubs, it seems as though you have 3 problems. I have listed those problems with possible solutions. I hope this information helps you.

    Problem 1 :Help With New Car - You should try the following websites
    1. 1800 Charity Cars
    2. Online Car Charity
    3. Vehicles for Change
    4. With Causes
    5. Modest Needs
    6. Free Gas USA

    Source: Free Cars for Low Income

    Problem 2: Help with Medical Bills and Medicines
    If you're experiencing hardship when paying for medicine and you're near the federal poverty line you could apply for help from different patient assistance programs. Check on your medication which drug company produces your medicine and then apply for the patient assistance program for all of these medicines. If you're successful you could have all your medication paid for a year.

    Problem 3: Help With Rent
    You should definitely contact the rental assistance program on offer from the government. If you're income is low you could apply for subsidized housing through the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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