I need payday cash advance no credit check - need to pay off back taxes!

Discussion in 'I Need Money Right NOW What Can I Do' started by Amanda, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. Amanda

    Amanda Newbie

    I have really bad credit, I need a payday cash advance no credit check loan. I have applied for normal loans and credit cards and have been turned down. I've got my credit report and the credit score is embarrassing to mention. I've missed lot of payments and defaulted on several credit card accounts, I don't think I can salvage my credit situation. I need money quickly to pay off some back taxes I owe and I don't have an emergency fund. The lovely people from the IRS are becoming increasingly nasty so I need to sort this out ASAP! Please help
    Miles and Sadia like this.
  2. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

    If you have an unmentionable credit score then it is very unlikely you'll get credit even from a payday loan. Nearly all legal and legitimate credit companies do a credit check so if you have really poor credit you will be rejected. Also using a payday loan to pay back taxes will get you into financial difficulties as you endlessly chase the day you make ends meet.

    What you should to is try and get an interest free loan from friends and family. This worked for me. I created a loan agreement contract and offered my laptop and vehicle as security for the loan. I then approached friends and family members and was able to secure the money I needed. You should definitely try this.

    As for your back taxes I think other Forum Members who are more knowledgeable will eventually chime in!
    Miles likes this.
  3. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    For help with Back Taxes Owed check out the following link on this Forum.

    I owe back taxes help! | Find Some Money
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