I want to invest in the stock market but i don't have a lot of money! help

Discussion in 'Investing and Retirement Saving' started by JibberJabber27, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. I have a small windfall that I wanted to invest in the stock market but I don't have a clue where to start and I don't have a fortune. I wanted to start some sort of portfolio and then contribute to it every month. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Miles likes this.
  2. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    How can you invest in the stock market using little money? Its a common question! Many people who want to create and generate wealth turn to the stock market to make money. Historically you would need a lot of capital to become a trader however with newer financial instruments becoming available to everyday investors you too can have access to the stock market to make money and generate capital.

    Before you even consider making money on the stock market you have to consider the risks that are associated with trading. It is no use just asking how to invest in the stock market using little money if you have little or no money management skills. It is true that you can make an enormous amount of wealth from trading however you can also lose money too. There have been countless reports of people losing their entire fortune by just trading in the stock market. There are many instruments such as CFD's and Options where you can trade calls and puts.

    To trade in the stock market for little money you need to have access to leverage. Leverage answers the question on how to invest in the stock market with little money. Leverage allows you to enter into trades with significantly low amounts of capital. If your broker is offering you a leverage of 10% this means that if you want to enter a trade for $1000 you only need to put up $100.

    This may seem very attractive however you can lose more than you put in if your stock declines more than $100 upon which you will receive a margin call from your broker who will need more money to keep the trades alive or will be forced to close them. Investing in the stock market with little money is convenient however it is very risky and should be calculated very carefully. Do not get burnt!

    The best instrument to trade is CFD’s which stands for contracts for difference. This is the best answer to investing in the stock market with little or no capital. Contracts for difference gives you the option of leverage and also allows you to long and short a stock too. Many investors get excited at this prospect and then just enter the stock market without any strategy or money management rules and lose money. Never go into investing in the stock market with little money if you are just trading tips without any stop loss loss or risk management techniques.

    To succeed in the stock market you need a strategy and then the research capability to find the stocks that fit the strategy. Once you have the right strategy you have to use the right money management rules to ensure that you let your profits soar and cut your losses quickly. How to invest in the stock market with little money is not hard if you can limit your losses.

    Savvy investors use software such as Metastock that allows you to check how good a technical indicator is for a particular stock, if you can find the best performing stocks and then create exit and entry points for them you will be able to create a profitable strategy that continually makes money.

    You also need to research your markets thoroughly, more often than not small investors get overwhelmed by the amount of research that they have to do and then make the wrong decisions. It is better to not trade and put in the research than to trade with ill informed facts and figures. Find a good information provider such as Metastock or Reuters that will provide you will all the facts and figures that you need to become a successful investor.

    If you have no previous experience trading then you need to virtual trade. There are practically hundreds of virtual trading websites that will help you practice trading and develop your investing skills. Once you have the experience you can really unleash yourself on the stock market using CFD’s and start trading for little money and make reasonable profits. I hope my article on how to invest in the stock market with little money has helped you.
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