In need of help to expand in online marketing with wealthy affiliate/entreprenuer program

Discussion in 'Asking Philanthropists for Help' started by Kenneth Phillips, Apr 2, 2015.

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Philanthropist please help me succeed

Poll closed May 21, 2015.

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  1. Hi' my reason for needing help is to first better myself as a citizen by becoming productive in the business world. I do not have any kind of family support for advancement of my projects. I stumbled upon WA and quickly took advantage of the offer. With many wonderful creative ideas to become a successful marketer/Entrepreneur, I cannot seem to access the funding that will help me advance. My credit is terrible and I cannot get a loan as I have tried numerous times, but to no avail. If someone" anyone could please place a little bit of confidence in me to productively use your gift, I can guarantee that I will become a success story! With my very difficult background I have found myself to have become much more strong, wise, and with a burning desire to be successful. So that I can give back to others! I also have great writing ability as a poet/Inspirational writer. It seems that I have all of these wonderful things but lacking in only one area and that is my finances in moving forward to become the success story that I know I am destined for. Thank God for good hearted people out their willing to help such individuals as myself. I also have two very wonderful daughter's that deserve so much better than what they have been getting from me. All I ask is for one person to notice the potential within me to lend a helping hand. I have two sites with Wealthy Affiliate promoting Amazon products. They are very awesome I should say" being new to online business! I am promoting shoes on one and electronics on the other which is already ranked in Google! My problem is upgrading to premium within WA to advance my knowledge, and also driving traffic to these sites as well. Sky is the limit if I can get over this financial mountain! That pretty much sums up everything and may every reader of this letter be blessed.
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post

    Hi Kenneth - Welcome to Find Some Money. I really admire your entrepreneurial spirit and I am sure you will make a success of yourself. Have you tried asking for investment through CrowdFunding. There are a number of sites on the internet where you can raise money for your business either through a loan or by giving away equity. Please let us know how you get on.
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