In need of help

Discussion in 'Ask For Donation' started by LoriH67, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. LoriH67

    LoriH67 Apprentice

    Hi, my name is Lori and I am not a freeloader on here looking for free money. I worked the greater part of my adult life.

    Until the last 9 years when family circumstances cut my work down and then finally stopped me from working altogether.

    Nine year's ago I took on the responsibility of raising my special needs granddaughter.
    Five year's after that I had to quit working to take care of my mother that became ill and needed round the clock care.

    She passed and I have been on the job hunt and have had no luck so far.
    I am in a financial bind right now and don't know where to turn.

    When I came across this site, I figured I would see if anyone out there could PLEASE help me get back on my feet.

    I recently lost my home due to back taxes(not sure how long I have left here) and now I am on the verge of having my furniture repossessed and having my basic utilities shut off.

    I can't live like this with my 9-year-old grand daughter. So if you could PLEASE out of the kindness of your heart find it in you to help us I would GREATLY appreciate it.

    If you want to know anything else about our situation before you help, please feel free to e-mail me. My email is also my PAY PAL address if you would like to make a DONATION.

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my post. Again any donation would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2017
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hello @LoriH67, and welcome to The Find Some Money Forum.

    I am sorry to hear about your circumstances and pray and hope things improve soon.

    I am also sorry you lost your home, this must have been devastating, my heart goes out to you.

    With regards to your furniture and utility, I would advise you to speak to your creditors and explain to them the financial despair that you are in. If they are fair creditors they should not take your furniture away or switch off your utilities.

    Also, have you sought assistance from the Government? If you are taking care of a Special Needs Granddaughter you should be able to claim benefits such as TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

    You should also seek assistance from The Salvation Army as they have advisors on hand to give you advice and support.

    Whatever you do you should never give up and have faith in God.

    I have shared this post on my Facebook and Twitter account so hopefully, someone can help.

    I wish you all the best.

    Take Care and feel free to continue the conversation.
  3. LoriH67

    LoriH67 Apprentice

    Lori‏@Katiesgram08 Aug 19

    PLEASE HELP US Time is running out.… via @youcaring
  4. My name is Catherine and I'm 47 years old.

    I suffer from a disability called Fredrick's Ataxia.

    I also suffer from severe scoliosis

    I live on a very low income and the house I live in isn't handicap accessible.

    I have done everything I set up a GoFundMe account and it seems no one will reach out to me.

    I'm trying to get a customized wheelchair from Custom Mobility where the chair fits my body and is very light in weight.

    The chair is going to cost $2,850.00 because it is Customize and the weight of the chair.

    I live with my mother who is sick herself but doesn't have my disability.

    I have Two brothers that suffer from Ataxia as well.

    But they have people to help them while I'm all alone.

    I'm asking if you can help me with the chair and making my home handicap accessible.

    I don't know what else to do. My Ataxia is only going to get worse it's already started with me being in a wheelchair and now the problems with my spine.

    I'm asking for your help with this matter.

    Please either contact me by email or phone 813 874 2696.

    I'm really hoping you can help me. This is not a scammer I would never do that to someone.

    I have records and whatever else you want me to provide. Please help me for I have no one to help me. Custom Mobility already measured me I have the quote they just emailed to me.

    Please don't disregard my email your my last hope

    Thank you for your help

    Catherine Vasquez Ortiz

    2728 W Beach St

    Tampa Florida 33607
    admin likes this.
  5. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hello, @Catherine vasquez Ortiz, and welcome to The Find Some Money Forum.

    I am very sorry to hear about your circumstances and my heart goes out to you.

    Living with this disability can be very hard and I wish God makes your life easier, always keep faith and hope and never fall into despair.

    I have shared this post on my Facebook and Twitter account. Can you also give me a link to the page you have set up so I can share this?

    Also, I have linked an article below on how to set up a successful crowdfunding campaign.

    GoFundMe Guide: Six Steps to a Successful Campaign – GoFundMe Help Centre

    I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. God Bless.
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