Lawful strategies to make money $100 dollars to $5000 dollars - read if you need money now

Discussion in 'Asking Millionaires for Help' started by hamza, Feb 5, 2015.

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- The Find Some Money Forum is a community of members dedicated to helping each other Find More Money.

- On this forum you will find information on making money, saving money as well as investing money

  1. Asad Manzoor

    Asad Manzoor Newbie

    We need money to build our house please help us please its a humble request to you all please help
  2. Money round

    I have a idea about I was read a lot of years ago.
    So its basically giving to other people.
    You are copy text, you send 1 dollar on the kontakt down and you add your contact (you can add PayPal account, or address...)
    Next time when somebody share the text he/she will sent 1 euro to all of the contacts, so you will get money to.
    When the post have 5 contacts, thats mean you are the 6th person sharing it, you need to delete the first contact and put your contact on the 5th place.
    So let's try :)
    1.PayPal: meredalilla.1@gmail
  3. davidw

    davidw Specialist

    Hi, My name Dora and i just want to share my experience with everyone who are in financial crisis. I have been hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a Man called Mr. Donald. I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it wasn’t fake. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $9400. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address is And I believe they will also Change your Life
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021
  4. hope2020

    hope2020 Newbie

    I'm an unemployed man, unfortunately with a rare, very disabling disease. My life quality is bad, but I have this dream. I want to invest more in bitcoin, the time is right. My future incomes will also fund medical and house bills. Please can you give me a little little help? Thank you!
  5. john louie

    john louie Newbie

    Hi? My name is john louie zamora from philipines..
    I am hoping to this kind of forum to get some assistance from you to help me out with my senior cetizen mama to fulfill her life dream and happiness for once . i just really wanted to give her happiness after her sacrefices raising her siblings alone without my papa. Please if you ever willing to help me , i am very thankful and appreciated your little help. Here is my cellular # : +639757732443.
    Or you can message me through my email account:
  6. My name is Romy Marylou Amber Joosten

    I wish to tell u a bit about myself first
    I have a son of 12 yrs old his name is Rimano because i loved Rimano and Romy or Romy and Rimano as a combination and also i fell pregnant across the house my auntie Ria had died earlier in the year I fell pregnant

    I fell pregnant across the house my auntie died in the apartment straight infront of the house
    My mom used to live in the house my auntie died in but they switched houses a little while before my auntie died of cancer
    She was my favorite auntie

    When I got pregnant i had just been released from juvenile I will tell u a little more about this further in the letter

    When I was 10 years of age I got hit by a car and I was inside a coma for 4 days and 7 days inside a subcoma

    I had to go to a revalidation centre and had to learn at this young age i learned people were not always "normal " but that there are many disabled and handicapped people too and I also had to learn we all have a right to be alive sort of ..
    I always tell myself my car accident was some form of luck by accident because I learned alot from being with other people who were disabled and handicapped

    I have been hospitalized since age 10 and I am 31 years of age now and I am still hospitalized

    I have been through alot but I am staying strong

    My son Rimano was born on June 16 2008 the same birthday as Tupac only born in a different year
    I became pregnant right after I was released from Juvenile where i stayed for almost 4 years waiting for brain damage treatment

    I have brain damage from my car accident my cortex is damaged and my frontal lobe is damaged and my brake on my emotions is broken according to my neurologist

    I have been moving from hospital to hospital been to 4 different juveniles where i had to wait for treatment for brain damage by youth care i was placed in there

    The treatment I waited for for so long still doesn't exist today and I am awaiting a spot inside a protected living system or a guided living system

    I may never live alone anymore according to the psychiatrist

    I had a damage claim for the car accident and I may never work again

    had 263.500 euro in the past but the money is almost gone it was supposed to be a damage claim for the rest of my entire life and i had it at age 15 or 16 and I may never work again so I was hoping i could ask you for financial assistance I don't want to sound rude but i read online stories about how u support and give financial assistance to those in need

    I will await your reply

    With alot of love and light send your way

    You can always contact me on
  7. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Hello, sorry to disturb you, but I would Like to ask you, if you could
    help mé financially? I am a single Mother with a 5 year old son we háve
    beeen both left alone, since his father has left us for another woman
    only 4 days before the wedding. At the moment, I am without the job and
    nowadays it is very Hard and not easy to find the job, when there is a
    pandemic situation all across the world. I would Like to buy a house,
    property, where I can also work from home a live there at the same tíme.
    I need to buy one place, which costs 100 000 eur and another 100 000 eur
    I need for a reconstruction and refurbishment. Because the place is in a
    terrible state. So I need together 200 000 eur.. I know, that is not a
    little amount, but I am very tired from the whole situation that I
    cannot help my son and myself. No one wants to give mé a such a big
    loan, Because I am a single Mother and dont have a job. I even keep
    trying to play a lottery, but I havent been lucky so far. I dont know,
    what to do, to be able to give a chance to my son and to me. To give
    ourselves a better life. We are from a poor family and we never had an
    extra money for a free sending. Here in Slovakia we heve a small
    salaries, no financially help, or an allowances., and therefore I am
    kindly asking you for helpso I would be very greatful for it. Sorry,
    that I was troubling you with my problems. Thank you very much for
    understanding.Best regards
  8. I tried to go through the entire world by myself, however I did not expect that some people in the world want to forcibly take away other peoples' money, assets. I thought I did everything right, from when I was very young I worked to save money for college, didn't ask other people in the way, had made enough to pay my degree. Then I got mugged while travelling with all my belongings to my college over several instances, I currently do not have a way to pay for upcoming spring semester of my college. My mistake was not putting my money in a bank, it was not wise to travel such large distance with all my money. I was hoping to pay for my college degree with the money, assets I had saved all my life. Now, I do not have enough capital to start a business or entrepreneurship or investment, to have profit to fund my degree. Because of being too young, I can not take loans. I feel like I do not have an opportunity to have a college degree because of not having money. I feel like I am out of means to make myself new money. While my degree in total costs about 206000 USD, this spring semester the cost is 23000 USD. And the deadline to pay this 23000 USD for this spring semester is in few weeks. I do not even have money to buy myself proper food this christmas. With very hard efforts while opening account, subsequently I have put together 25 USD to open a checking account. Every bit of support helps :

    Account Number : 501024894050


    Bank of America Address:

    Bank of America, NA 222
    Broadway New York, New York

    Thanks in advance
  9. davidw

    davidw Specialist

    Hi, My name Dora and i just want to share my experience with everyone who are in financial crisis. I have been hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a Man called Mr. Donald. I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it wasn’t fake. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $6500. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address is donald.blankatmcardcreator@gmail.comAnd I believe they will also Change your Life
  10. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Dobrý deň, som slobodná matka s jedným dieťaťom ... Predchádzajúci priateľ a
    otec môjho syna nás opustil 6 dní pred svadbou po 6 rokoch
    vzťahu ... V práci si našiel inú dámu ... Odvtedy ja
    som sám s malým chlapcom .. som nezamestnaný a žiť s rodičmi,
    to nikdy nebolo ľahké nájsť prácu ... Chcel by som začať moje vlastné
    podnikanie a otvoriť svoje vlastné welness štúdio, ale i dont mať akékoľvek
    peniaze .... naozaj si chcem splniť sen a mať svoje vlastné
    veci, takže by som za prácou nemusel cestovať ďaleko do iného
    mesta ... nemám ani vodičský preukaz a cestoval som pracovať
    na bicykli na veľkú vzdialenosť. Prosím vás o pomoc, ak by ste mi mohli pomôcť
    Bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, aby som sa mohol ďalej rozvíjať v tom, o čom
    snívam ... Snažil som sa všade požiadať o pomoc, ale je ťažké
    nájsť úprimného a dôveryhodného človeka, ktorý by bol horlivý a nechcel
    by ma využiť. za uskutočnené platby alebo rád používam svoje osobné identifikačné
    údaje .... Hrám tiež lotériu, lotériu, ale nemám šťastie ... Som
    z tejto situácie zúfalý a bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, keby ste mi
    pomohli a môj syn akýmkoľvek možným spôsobom. Naozaj vám ďakujem za
    prečítanie môjho listu ...
  11. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Dobrý deň, som slobodná matka s jedným dieťaťom ... Predchádzajúci priateľ a
    otec môjho syna nás opustil 6 dní pred svadbou po 6 rokoch
    vzťahu ... V práci si našiel inú dámu ... Odvtedy ja
    som sám s malým chlapcom .. som nezamestnaný a žiť s rodičmi,
    to nikdy nebolo ľahké nájsť prácu ... Chcel by som začať moje vlastné
    podnikanie a otvoriť svoje vlastné welness štúdio, ale i dont mať akékoľvek
    peniaze .... naozaj si chcem splniť sen a mať svoje vlastné
    veci, takže by som za prácou nemusel cestovať ďaleko do iného
    mesta ... nemám ani vodičský preukaz a cestoval som pracovať
    na bicykli na veľkú vzdialenosť. Prosím vás o pomoc, ak by ste mi mohli pomôcť
    Bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, aby som sa mohol ďalej rozvíjať v tom, o čom
    snívam ... Snažil som sa všade požiadať o pomoc, ale je ťažké
    nájsť úprimného a dôveryhodného človeka, ktorý by bol horlivý a nechcel
    by ma využiť. za uskutočnené platby alebo rád používam svoje osobné identifikačné
    údaje .... Hrám tiež lotériu, lotériu, ale nemám šťastie ... Som
    z tejto situácie zúfalý a bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, keby ste mi
    pomohli a môj syn akýmkoľvek možným spôsobom. Naozaj vám ďakujem za
    prečítanie môjho letá
  12. Ali Mohammed

    Ali Mohammed Newbie

    Dear we are family looking for donations please help us
  13. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Dobrý deň, som slobodná matka s jedným dieťaťom ... Predchádzajúci priateľ a
    otec môjho syna nás opustil 6 dní pred svadbou po 6 rokoch
    vzťahu ... V práci si našiel inú dámu ... Odvtedy ja
    som sám s malým chlapcom .. som nezamestnaný a žiť s rodičmi,
    to nikdy nebolo ľahké nájsť prácu ... Chcel by som začať moje vlastné
    podnikanie a otvoriť svoje vlastné welness štúdio, ale i dont mať nejaké
    peniaze .... naozaj si chcem splniť sen a mať svoje vlastné
    veci, takže by som za prácou nemusel cestovať ďaleko za iným
    mestom ... nemám ani vodičský preukaz a cestoval som pracovať
    na bicykli na veľkú vzdialenosť. Prosím vás o pomoc, ak by ste mi mohli pomôcť
    Bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, aby som sa mohol ďalej rozvíjať v tom, o čom
    snívam ... Snažil som sa všade požiadať o pomoc, ale je ťažké
    nájsť úprimného a dôveryhodného človeka, ktorý by bol horlivý a nechcel
    by ma využiť. na vykonanie platby alebo rád použil svoje osobné identifikačné
    údaje .... Hrám tiež lotériu, loto, ale nemám šťastie ... Som
    z tejto situácie zúfalý a bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, keby ste mi
    pomohli a môj syn akýmkoľvek možným spôsobom. Naozaj vám ďakujem za
    prečítanie môjho listu ... S pozdravom ... Monika zo Slovenska
  14. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr Newbie

    People, this site has not been administered by anyone for a long time on this forum for a long time no one helps anyone here there are only people in need and scammers trying to cash in on someone else's grief ,do not write anything here do not become victims of scammers!
    One of the many schemes of deception on this site that scammers use to make people in a difficult life situation lose their last funds:
    Attention scammers spread on the forum please | Find Some Money

    MARIA FOX Newbie

    Fundraiser by MARIA FOX : please help they are leaving me to die (
    my story started in 2005. after having cancer I lost all my weight and lost my breasts, I was in a bad place. the N H S wouldn't help me then and not now. 5 years ago I found out I was given pip implants which are banned.

    the company closed up I could anything.

    over 3 years ago I was told that both my breasts were leaking and they won't touch me because my dear mum paid privately for them. they are leaking all over and they still won't help me so I am in a mess. my dear mum has got dementia now and mum does not remember me half the time. I have a disabled daughter too both need me here. I am scared I will die. I am in so much pain I don't know what to do they want 10.000 from me to help me. I am not asking you to give me the money I am asking to pay the hospital to save a life.i am begging please help my family need me to live
  16. Asad Manzoor

    Asad Manzoor Newbie

    Dear All,

    I am writing this email to appeal you for financial help. I am a married person and living on rent with my family. It is going to be very difficult for us to meet the expenses in my salary in a situation when we are in debt. All salary goes in rent, utility bills and ration. I want to pay my loan which is 1000 $ dollars (one Thousand USD). Kindly help me, it's a humble request to you please. Thank you for the time and consideration you have given my situation. I hope to hear from you soon. Please help its a request to you


    Thanking you,
    Asad Manzoor
    Cell: 03215777759
    Bank of Punjab (Shadman Branch)
    Branch Code 19
    Bank A/C No: 6030047347300017
    IBAN: PK17BPUN6030047347300017

  17. Asad Manzoor

    Asad Manzoor Newbie

    Dear All,

    I am writing this email to appeal to you for financial help. I am a married person and living on rent with my family. It is going to be very difficult for us to meet the expenses in my salary in a situation when we are in debt. All salary goes in rent, utility bills, and ration. I want to pay my loan which is 1000 $ dollars (one Thousand USD). Kindly help me, it's a humble request to you please. Thank you for the time and consideration you have given my situation. I hope to hear from you soon. Please help its a request to you


    Thanking you,
    Asad Manzoor
    Cell: 03215777759
    Bank of Punjab (Shadman Branch)
    Branch Code 19
    Bank A/C No: 6030047347300017
    IBAN: PK17BPUN6030047347300017
  18. Asad Manzoor

    Asad Manzoor Newbie

    Hello everyone. I am Asad Manzoor from Pakistan. I came here for a purpose and the purpose is to seek help. Is there anyone who can help me to pay my debt which is almost 6000 US dollars? I took a loan from my family members and colleagues which I am unable to return. my financial condition is not good in a situation where I pay the debt. I request you all to please help me in this regard. My Account details are given below.
    I have no money to pay my debts I earn a very mere amount by which I run a house circle paying house rent and the expenses of baby and wife. I have nothing to pay. Please help me with this regard. Thank you
    Asad Manzoor
    Cell: +92-321-5777759
    Bank of Punjab (Shadman Branch) Lahore Pakistan
    Branch Code :19
    IBAN: PK17BPUN6030047347300017
  19. Asad Manzoor

    Asad Manzoor Newbie

    Hello everyone. I am Asad Manzoor from Pakistan. I came here for a purpose and the purpose is to seek help. Is there anyone who can help me to pay my debt which is almost 6000 US dollars? I took a loan from my family members and colleagues which I am unable to return. my financial condition is not good in a situation where I pay the debt. I request you all to please help me in this regard. My Account details are given below.
    I have no money to pay my debts I earn a very mere amount by which I run a house circle paying house rent and the expenses of baby and wife. I have nothing to pay. Please help me with this regard. Thank you
    Asad Manzoor
    Cell: +92-321-5777759
    Bank of Punjab (Shadman Branch) Lahore Pakistan
    Branch Code :19
    IBAN: PK17BPUN6030047347300017
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