Legitimate ways to make $10,000 dollars quickly - no scams allowed

Discussion in 'Free Money for People in Need' started by JamWithMe, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. JamWithMe

    JamWithMe Newbie

    I need a way to make $10,000 dollars quickly. I need the money to pay off a debt that's been annoying me from a family member. Never borrow from Family because it screws everything up. Anyway I'm looking for fast ways to make $10,000 Dollars quickly and efficiently. I don't want any illegal ideas or scams because I can spot them a mile away. Please share any legitimate ideas to make 10 grand quickly so I can pay off this debt.

    Look forward to some ideas quickly!
  2. Sadia

    Sadia Administrator

    Have you thought about taking part in clinical trials from approved Government sources. Last year I made approximately $5000 dollars taking part in 3 clinical trials over a 12 month period. I could have taken part in more but I didn't have the time. If you need money quickly you could sign up for a few clinical trials and then pay off the debt quickly.

    I know what you mean about borrowing from family. I borrowed a small amount from my aunt and never heard the last of it. Every holiday was a reminder that I owed her money and she made sure everybody knew. Now family members are reluctant to lend me money. Be careful who you borrow from.
  3. Alistair

    Alistair Newbie

    Do you have any space in your home? Can you rent out space or rent out a room. If you've got a spare bedroom you could charge $100 per week and make $5200 per year. This would be short of your $10,000 dollar target but every little helps.

    When I needed money quickly I actually lived in my vehicle for a while and rented out my apartment for a year to raise some much needed capital to pay off some loan shark. Its hard living in a pickup but drastic measures are needed to get yourself out of trouble.
  4. SueStanton

    SueStanton Newbie

    You could sell some items and raise some cash. If you want your family member off your back for good sell some high priced goods and they pay them off asap. You could sell your car and cycle to work. You could sell your TV and entertain yourself on the internet. You could sell your games and free up time to think and read to improve your future. You could spring clean your apartment and declutter selling anything you don't need. This might be a blessing in disguise allowing you to living a minimalist wholesome life concentrating on the small things that give you the most happiness.
  5. Ammo_Ram

    Ammo_Ram Newbie

    Why don't you sit down with your family member and come to an agreement on how much you can pay on a monthly basis to clear the debt. When I borrowed some money from my brother we agreed in advance that I would give him 10% extra and worked out the schedule of payments and then put it on automatic transfer at the end of the month. If you can come to some sort of formal agreement you might be able to get them off your back.
  6. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    I'm not sure about your living situation but have you considered downsizing? I was able to downsize my home by more than 50% and went to a location which was closer to my job so I didn't need any money from transport. I was able to save a significant chunk of my money and all of it went towards paying off my debt. I'm still living in a smaller property and I've paid off my debt and saving for the future. This was one of the best moves I made to get on top of my finances.
  7. Quentin

    Quentin Newbie

    I know people who were so desperate to pay off their debt they decided to live in their vans by modifying the vehicle to include a bed at the back. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You could quickly turn your financial situation around by slashing costs and increasing income from renting your property.
  8. Have you tried turning your passion into money? You could use the internet to share information, sell goods and services or even write a e-book to help people. Lots of people are making money on the internet to supplement their income and if you put your mind and energy into a money making project you will eventually make money. I really hope everything works out for you.
    Simrin, Quentin, LaughDontCry and 7 others like this.
  9. Diego

    Diego Newbie

    Have you thought about writing an e-book? If you're passionate about a subject or have some valuable information to share or can simplify a really useful book try to write the e-book and then publish on sites like Amazon. If you can promote your book effectively and if it has good content there's no knowing how much you could make. Also you would generate recurring income every month from sales generated through Amazon. You could even publish a hardback copy if its really successful. One of my blogger friends over at Miss Minimalist generates thousands of dollars from sales of her incredibly popular e-book. Its worth a shot.
    Simrin, Quentin, LaughDontCry and 6 others like this.
  10. Eduardo

    Eduardo Newbie

    You could join an affiliate program and then flog the product or service. I really believed in an e-book offered by Victor Pride of the Bold & Determined blog. I created my own site reviewing the e-book in detail and explaining how it had helped me to get fit and chase my dreams. Eventually the review site climbed online and now I make a few hundred bucks per month from online affiliate sales. You could choose from so many services such as Click Bank or e-Junkie. You just need to be determined and keep going.
    Simrin, Quentin, LaughDontCry and 5 others like this.
  11. Eduardo

    Eduardo Newbie

    Like the idea and it would certainly help with the finances, I think this only applies to single people though as families will not be able to live in vehicles unless its a trailer or RV.
    Simrin, Quentin, LaughDontCry and 5 others like this.
  12. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    For me the best ideas so far have been to rent out a room or rent out some storage space. I would also consider de-cluttering some items to raise some cash quickly and then possibly taking a second job until the debt is repaid.
    Simrin, Quentin, james oduor and 3 others like this.
  13. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I've also taken part in clinical trials and there are a lot of scams out there so its important to be vigilant and careful. You should always go to legitimate government approved sites like Clinical Trials Gov to see what is available. If you have a illness like Angina or Diabetes you might be able to take parts in tests to help advance medical science. There are a lot of risks of side effects but its definitely worth considering.
    Simrin, Quentin, admin and 3 others like this.
  14. Mike Baggaley

    Mike Baggaley Newbie

    Another way to make money is to think in terms of Trials. You can take part in Virtual Court Trials to see how things might pan out, you could take part testing beauty products and so on. It might be a pain but sometimes the payout is quite good.
    Simrin, Quentin, admin and 3 others like this.
  15. Romario

    Romario Newbie

    You could try Mystery Shopping to improve the service offered by retail stores. If you have attention to detail and can offer constructive criticism you could get hired very quickly. The pay-out is decent too and would help to make a dent to the debt.
    Simrin, Quentin, admin and 2 others like this.
  16. james oduor

    james oduor Newbie

    You should consider starting your own Food Business. One way I got out of debt was to cook fresh inexpensive food from home and then deliver to hungry customers in my neighbourhood. I cooked fresh everyday and made about $150 dollars in profits with my partner. I was responsible for cooking and taking orders and he was responsible for delivering on his Bike. I've now got my own kitchen and hire a few people because the business concept works.
    Simrin, Quentin and LaughDontCry like this.
  17. SueStanton

    SueStanton Newbie

    Another idea you could think about if you have a vehicle is to join sites like Uber and then offer a driving service to the public. Uber taxi rates are really competitive and if you know your way around your local area you could make a lot of money. Its really easy to join and if you pass all the eligibility requirements you could be up and running in no time earning more money from all the fares you pick up. If you enjoy driving then this might be a good idea.

    Simrin, Quentin, admin and 1 other person like this.
  18. LaughDontCry

    LaughDontCry Newbie

    You can make a lot of money buying and selling items from luggage auctions. Lost baggage's are usually auctioned off when the owner doesn't claim the items. These suitcases usually sell for around $30 to $50 dollars. Most of the individuals who buy these baggage's then repair and clean the items and sell them on sites like eBay. Sometimes you can strike it lucky and earn up to 500% return on your investment or even more.

    Simrin, Quentin and admin like this.
  19. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I travel using Uber cabs and the service and price is great, there is a lot of demand for drivers as Uber is growing at a phenomenal rate and keeping up with demand is hard. I think there is plenty of money to be made here and highly recommended.
    Simrin and Quentin like this.
  20. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    This is quite risky, I know many people who bought baggage's from auctions only to find dirty soiled clothes that the owner no longer required. There are occasions where you will find profitable luggage's however you must attend these auctions at a regular basis to find the gems and you also need to identify which bags are likely to have expensive merchandise.
    Simrin and Quentin like this.
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