Looking for ways to make money.

Discussion in 'Passive Income' started by MikeTheSlayer, May 26, 2015.

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  1. MikeTheSlayer

    MikeTheSlayer Newbie

    You might think a 15 year old boy shouldn't be worried about money, well Im looking for ways to make money I can't get a job but I do a small side job like detailing cars but I have no way to advertise my assistance I'm really great at doing what I can but I have no way to get people to hear me I'm trying to raise money for some things I want to buy, I don't want my dad to buy it because we just got out of a divorce and we are barely getting on our feet, it's getting close to summer so I really need some help on what i should do... looking for all doable jobs... Any suggestions? (Ps: I am very hardworking and am looking to make over 900)
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi @MikeTheSlayer - Here are some of the things I would look into if I was 15/16 again!

    1. Part time job
    2. Washing Cars
    3. Paper round
    4. Mowing Lawn
    5. Blogging for Money
    6. Creating YouTube videos for money
    7. Doing chores around the house
    8. Dog walking
    9. Minor Cleaning Jobs
    10. Window Cleaning

    Also check out the following post which gives you 200 ways to make money as a kid on this link.

    Also check out how this teenager made $250,000 dollars.

  3. MonMon

    MonMon Apprentice

    Will take note of that too and tell it to my kid
  4. vo van Liên hệ với mình nha
  5. 아이스삽니다 up phụ bác chủ dùng khá là ok mua mấy cái rồi mai chuyển em cái nữa nhé
  6. Bán TK Zalo - 0789225888 hay quá đúng cái em đang cần đánh dấu mai em call bác
  7. học đầu tư tiền điện tử Tỉnh Bắc Giang Huyện Lục Ngạn Xã Tân Hoa hôm trước vừa qua chỗ bác này mua xong dùng mấy tháng rồi vẫn thấy ok
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