My Kids Wont Wear Hand Me Down Clothes Anymore! Ideas?

Discussion in 'Ways to Live Cheaper' started by Didier, Sep 3, 2013.

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  1. Didier

    Didier Newbie

    When I try to explain to my kids that hand me down clothes is a great way of saving money they don't buy it. We have a lot of debt and one of the ways I was planning on saving money was spending less on clothes, I have five children and I was hoping only to buy for one child and the rest I could hand down to my other children. I keep clothes clean and tidy but for some reason the children are so rebellious when they're told to wear their brothers clothes, has anyone else had this problem and whats the best solution. The bottom line is I can't buy any clothes and I need to teach them the value of frugality. Please help, any comments would be appreciated.
  2. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Have you tried eBay, sometimes they have great clothes for a fraction of the price, these clothes are usually unwanted gifts etc.
  3. Uhhh, yeah I think you're gonna have to spend at least a little- if you have 5 kids no way will a lot of that make it past the 2nd kid. I'm not sure where you live, but I know there are some sites where you can swap clothes & buy or sell items as well like Flipsize might be a good option too: Just talk to some other parents and see what they have done &/or if they have kids clothes they aren't using anymore. You could always hit a place like Goodwill or something for the really young ones- they won't know the difference and you won't end up spending much anyway.
  4. Shobir

    Shobir Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Just had a loot at Swap Baby Goods and Flip Size and it looks quite interesting, thanks for sharing. I know some people who make their own clothes. They have their own sowing machine so they only need to buy the material. Come to think about it once you know how to make clothes your budget shrinks significantly especially if you have kids.

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