My sad story

Discussion in 'My Story' started by Wishywashy, Dec 21, 2016.

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  1. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    This is the first post I make and I just joined today. I was diagnosed with autism and I am one of the shortest males in my country ( average height is about 5.11 for young males ) and coupled with an economy that is almost shattered I have virtually no prospects of getting any job. I have even gone to minimarkets and even they reject me and my perfect grades and willingness to work any of the 3 shifts even if they change sometimes.

    My relatives all dislike because they know of my diagnosis and because of that they don't help me or even reply to me asking them for a help of any kind. My solution to this is to get money to the point I can afford a higher education in an Asian country where the average height is lower and since I will keep the diagnose as secret as I can I will have solved my entire life by then. I have to mention that my above average IQ will get me far in life but I need to kick-start the engine somehow.

    ( I will expand upon and explain further to that person or people willing to help about any doubts or inquiries regarding my life.)

    Is this post written correctly? Like I said I just joined today and I might have missed something.
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hello, @Wishywashy and welcome to The Find Some Money Forum. I am really sorry to hear about your terrible experience at the hands of ignorant people. I am also sorry to hear that you are being subjected to intolerances due to your height, I condemn this at the highest degree.

    Despite all the disadvantages you have I would advise you never to lose hope. Being autistic and short does not mean that you will live an unfulfilled life, I think you can live your life to the full.

    First of all, I would suggest getting in touch with The Little People of America Home This is an organization that can offer invaluable advice and guidance on how to live a fulfilling life despite being short. This organization will also help you challenge potential employers who dismiss you due to your height so they will fight in your corner. This is really important, you must contact them.

    You should also contact The Autism Speaks charity to get more support and guidance on your condition. Many people use their autism to their advantage and lead a very uplifting and fulfilling life - Home | Autism Speaks Again, I would urge you to contact them and ask for help, not only will they offer good solid advice they will also be empathetic to your needs.

    I don't think going to Asia is the answer, I think you should stay here and not feel like you're being forced to move. Before you make any decisions you should contact the two charities above. Please, feel free to reply or send me a private message to continue the conversation. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

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  3. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    An associassion huh? They can help if it's proven that I was discriminated against but the employer can say that they needed the tall guy/gal/robot because he/she/it has experience so the case has to be dropped there.

    I want to move out not because of people but because of myself.

    I thought this site was dead but you guys answered very quickly, hopefully more people see this and maybe there will be some light ahead.
  4. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi, @Wishywashy, thanks for replying. If you do want to move because of yourself you should do it and pursue your dreams and aspirations. I have already shared this post so I am sure more people will see it. Have you ever thought about starting a crowdfunding campaign to help raise money? Many people are doing this successfully and achieving their goals and aspiration. Once again, I wish you all the best.

    I Need 1000 Dollars in a Week! What Can I Do | Find Some Money
  5. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    Hey admin merry Christmas. An update on the situation.

    I don't know how long until I am kicked out of my parent's house. The only reason I have survived this long is because I avoid talking to my parents. Because of the diagnosis they always threaten me to up the dosage of ( X medicine ) if I say anything they deem too autistic ( I just argued with them using facts ). Trying not to say anything autistic to not offend my parents just leads me to never talking unless to ask for food and survival things.

    It's hard not to argue with them because they believe a short person with autism should not have ANY trouble in life as long as they are handsome ( Beauty is subjective anyways ) and that it's 100% my fault and that I am insecure or that I ENJOY blaming outside forces to avoid responsibility or something like that. Obviously not the case. I was confident just not now.
    They enjoy showing me examples of actors with disabilities and short people who are married as if that did anything to help when statistics are stacked against, it's like the guy who can eat broken glass everyday and is 90 years old; That's anecdotal evidence and my parents are good with that s.

    I hope to escape before 2018 because if I get kicked out of the house the cheapest apartments are as bad as Detroit itself and I calculated it and I would need about 1,000 dollars per month which I don't and can't have because of no jobs given to a person with all these handicaps.

    The last nail in the coffin is that only people like Coca-Cola and other fancy American brands can thrive in this country and small businesses are being trampled on by laws not to mention small shops are robbed very frequently. And think about this, if this person with so many handicaps is not liked very much in real life any shop I open would go bankrupt which is why I will keep my business idea in my dreams until I relocate to a safe country, even if it's somewhere in China or Taiwan or Japan I would be safer according to current statistics.

    And I am really sorry I had to write that much but it helps vent out my anger a bit :mad:
    admin likes this.
  6. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    It's worse than what I thought. 90% of people in the autism spectrum are not given jobs and because of height it's just not likely. Also remember that I will be old eventually and age discrimination is part of the game as well.
  7. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Feel free to vent your anger! The best way to overcome a problem is to share it with others. I'm sorry your parents are treating you this way. Sometimes, parents can have the best intention for their children but the way they deliver the message just anger you!

    I hope you achieve your goal of 'escaping' soon and I hope you create a crowdfunding page so people can donate if they wish to. I wish you all the best.

    I desperately need $500 dollars right now! | Find Some Money
  8. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    Nobody has declared any intention of donating so is it worth it to write down the paypal info now?
    admin likes this.
  9. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    You can try adding your PayPal details, you never know someone might donate. You could also try posting a crowdfunding campaign, I think that might be more effective. I wish you all the best my friend.
  10. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    Do all crowdfunding pages require your personal data? The gofundme page asks for too much info and they even take huge chunks of money that people donate to you, if they were charities they would not charge that percentage.

    The problem with my identity being revealed is that a lot of people know I live with parents and they always use my parent's income to judge my quality of life. That money is untouch-able because my parents will go fly to visit main landmarks in the world like the Paris tower, tower of pizza etc...No they are not rich either they just think that they deserve to do it because they are old and they will use all their resources to experience the wonderful things in the world and enjoy their senior life. They do heavy charity as well when they have extra money on top of it because they are afraid of keeping extra money. They're old, they believe that God provides and they always remind me how adults are thrown out at age 18. They also have plans to move to an elder building where only elders can live and obviously I can't rent the house when they leave since being handicapped and short with no job experience or high education in this country is like being a leper which people are not willing to hire, not even to work at Popeyes cleaning toilets or bagging groceries.

    Even if they just somehow give me the house legally then what? How would I hypothetically pay water bills, electricity bills, fixing broken things, buying food and the taxes which will triple soon enough with the new legislations coming? Let's say they felt more compassion and also donate their vehicle before they die? Could I hypothetically fill it with gasoline every week, fix broken pieces, changing oil? Could I buy a new car once that one ceases to function? Even these hypothetical what if outcomes will have a bad ending. That's why I won't beg them for their stuff since to have that stuff I need to be generating money anyways just to keep them so my last chance is to raise money to go get a degree in a foreign country.

    I need money to afford a good education in a better place like Honkong, Japan...etc. I need my education ready because ( except in U.S.A.) most countries don't want foreigners to steal jobs from locals ( you can only work high wage jobs as a foreigner) which is good since I wanna get a high wage job to compensate for my sad life in this country.
    admin likes this.
  11. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I understand that Crowdfunding platforms do take a lot of money from each donation, however, the amount of traffic and views you get to your campaign more than mitigates this loss. When a potential donor sees a professional campaign they are more likely to donate. I have seen first hand what a difference a crowdfunding campaign can make in raising money.

    With regards to your parent's money, you could explain the sensitive relationship you have with them at the moment. You can explain that the money is untouchable and anything they leave behind will be hard to manage and afford.
  12. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    It's even worse, they ( Peers ) will claim that I could just lean on one of my siblings ( can't say how many due to privacy ) and that they could inherit the house, pay the taxes+utilities and I could just get a free ride. These are the kind of people I deal with all the time and in the few times I've opened up and ask for help they "like my parents" will tell me to pray harder and that the creator will intervene. There's a lot of religions and sects and the indoctrination is that their preferred god/gods will intervene for believers. You can't reason with them, they don't care about Haiti or Japan's earthquake or the starving people in Africa which their god has done nothing about but I can't convince them that while there is a creator ( whatever name they prefer) it certainly is acting neutral ( Never gives you bad luck nor increases your luck) yet they will thank their deities when something good happens but when it's bad they say it had to happen.

    Long story short. The peers who hold a religion are probably blaming my "lack of faith" and the agnostic and atheistic minority is just thinking that I enjoy free rides and I should have been working and earning a paycheck since age 18.

    Do you think youtube would help at all or at least increase the chances? At least there I could wear a mask and open up a lot more, maybe the tone of my voice will get the message further rather than just written words that can be read differently by different people.
    admin likes this.
  13. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    I understand your reluctance with regards to your faith but I think having a strong belief in a higher force like God can unleash a lot of good in your mind. This creative positive force derived from belief in God is a key to success in my opinion.

    I believe YouTube is an excellent way to proceed. You could remain anonymous and get your message across. I am happy to share you YouTube message on my Facebook and Twitter account if you want me to. Once again, I really think you need belief and your YouTube idea is definitely worth pursuing. I wish you all the best.

    I desperately need $100 dollars today what can i do | Find Some Money
  14. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    On another note. I received a message kind of saying that the site missed me or something. Could I risk getting deleted if I accidentally stop loggin in for too long? I was needed somewhere in real life and could not connect.
    admin likes this.
  15. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi, @Wishywashy - You will not be deleted. The messages are automated by the Forum Software to encourage people to engage in the community.

    I desperately need $100 dollars today what can i do | Find Some Money
  16. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Hi @Wishywashy, I hope you are well. I have not heard from you for a while. How are you?
  17. Hello Admin,
    My name is Desiree Bethea and I'm 35 yrs old. In january I was suddenly diagnoised with corony heart and heart failure. I have had 2 surgeries since then and 1 coming up. I have been independent my whole life and worked 2 jobs. Since I been out of work, I'm in threat of losing my apartment, paying for medication, paying for rehab since Medicaid only covers so much. I have applied for SSI and as we all know it takes awhile. I'm on medical leave without pay and my stress level is to the max. I do have a go fund me and I was wondering if you cam share for me. I'm not the one to as for help but I have exhausted all my resources. Thank you
  18. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    I have been able to learn a lot of things and now there is a 30% chance I can be hireable in foreign jobs but it's still not a certainty, it's a race where I am trying to acquire more skill vs the time I have left to enjoy an internet connection vs the approximate time in which the government might close all airports. They also announced that healthcare costs will elevate since those people are rich themselves they don't mind that the lower class dies of an infection or something like that.
  19. Wishywashy

    Wishywashy Apprentice

    Update. I have been bing watching old cartoons from the 90s all day long every day since there is no hope now that I thought about it. I will watch cartoons until I am kicked out of the house. I wanted to learn a new skill but I can't study since I am depressed and when I sleep I have nightmares, because of that I don't get refreshing sleep so what I learn is forgotten the next day. at least I was responsible and not had kids without money like some people do.

    In such cases the next step is to couch-surf when you constantly sleep in different sofas every week but in this country people don't really like to share their sofa at all. worst of all I opened up by accident and talked to a stranger in real life and the conversation pretty much was them asking if I was putting effort into finding a job since they believes that there are empty job slots for everyone that's not lazy and since they don't know about discrimination they think that if me and 3 people show up for a job slot that it's 1/3 chance of being hired and that if I rinse and repeat I should have nabbed a job as soon as I graduated.
    admin likes this.
  20. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Good to hear from you again.

    I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling depressed and are having nightmares.

    Have you thought about generating income online? A small project to make 100 dollars a month could be a way to have to positive outlook on life?

    Look forward to hearing from you...
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