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Discussion in 'Asking Millionaires for Help' started by Jennifer Lewis, Jul 7, 2014.

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  1. In 2011, my husband became very ill and spent a long time in the hospital and then again in 2012. He was the sole breadwinner in the family and I was a substitute teacher so that I could be off when the kids were off. We lost our house because of the medical bills/prescriptions/etc. We moved in with my mother and step father to save some money and get back on our feet. My mother guilted and drained over $25k from us in the 17 months we lived there. While we were there my husband lost his job in April 2013 and in January of 2014 she kicked us out because we couldn't really spare any more money to give her. We are in an apartment that my mother in law helps us pay for but we desperately would like a house for our children to be able to have friends over to as they are 15 and 13. We both drive cars that need work and would love to be able to purchase new vehicles and also our daughter turns 16 in January and is wanting a classic vw baby blue beetle. If we had $700k we could purchase a home/furnish it, purchase both my husband and myself new vehicles and also buy our daughter the beetle she wants. We could also put money away for their college fund and pay off all our debts. I pray someone would donate this to us soon.
    JibberJabber27 likes this.
  2. Just read your story and was annoyed that you mother could extract $25k in 17 months, it just doesn't seem right. I'm sorry you lost your home because of medical bills and prescription, it seems your family has been through a rough patch.

    Have you considered researching into patient assistance programs for patients which don't have adequate insurance. If you're income is low or near the federal poverty line you could be eligible for free medication and treatment through pharmaceutical companies such as Merck, Pfizer and Abbotts Laboratories.

    Another reason you're probably experiencing hardship is because your husband keeps getting laid off. What are the reasons for this? Is your husband working in a declining industry? if this is the case he might be better off retraining through a scholarship program that can be found on sites like the Foundation Center. If you're husband can retrain for free and then secure a position in a growing industry he is unlikely to be laid off so frequently. Also there would be a change for promotion which would improve your financial prospects.

    You also mentioned your daughter is turning 16, congratulations! You might want to look on sites such as Freecycle or Vehicles for Change and 1800 Charities for free vehicles. There are lots of low income families who have contacted these sites to get vehicles which were donated for tax purposes.

    Also to get out of debt I would recommend that you contact all your creditors to explain to them that you're experiencing financial hardship and cannot make full payments any more, you should also ask them to stop the interest as it's spiralling out of control. Work out your income and expenses and find out what your excess income is and then use this to make pro rata payments to each creditors. This way you'll start to reduce the debt and slowly get yourself back to prosperity.

    If you are after a donation I would start by making a video on YouTube and hope the video goes viral. You could also join sites such as fund Anything to ask for money publicly. These methods do work and there are lots of people who have got help just by asking on sites like YouTube and Fund Anything. I really hope things work out for you.
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