Out of time! i need financial help immediately.

Discussion in 'Free Money for People in Need' started by Heartbroken mom, Aug 26, 2018.

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  1. I am Sandra, a 57 year old woman and I am begging for money to help save what few possessions I have left. Two years ago my hours at my job were cut from 40 hours a week to 23 hours a week. My fiancee had passed away and I was alone and struggling to make ends meet. I could not pay my rent out of one check, I was barely keeping my head above water. I was evicted from my apartment for not being able to pay the rent in one lump sum. I ended up renting a room in a home to prevent me from being homeless. Most of my belongings had to be put into a rented storage unit. I thought I was finally getting my life back on track when the unthinkable happened.
    My only daughter, and the sunshine of my life, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in February of this year. My daughter Amber was beautiful inside and out and we spoke several times daily as we lived 1800 miles from each other. I was not prepared for such an emotional or financially devastating tragedy. My job only allows 3 days bereavement leave, that was nowhere near enough. I still miss her everyday and would never wish this pain on anyone else.
    Due to the unexpected financial burdens that arose from her passing, I am behind on my own obligations. I am locked out of my storage unit and it will be auctioned off on Aug. 30th if I can't come up with the $460 needed to bring the rent payments current. I am also be hind on my car payments and the bank is ready to repossess my car as well.That's another $850! I lost my job 2 weeks ago for my 3rd absence in 6 months. That's all they allow. I am scared, sad, destitute and a big ball of raw nerves. I desperately need help. If you can find it in your heart to find some compassion for my predicament and assist me in someway, I will be grateful and very thankful for the assistance. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and for any prayers or assistance that you might be considering. I am a good person and I deserve a good life!
    Sandra Newman
    (PayPal address and email address are the same))
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  2. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

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    vzťahu ... V práci si našiel inú dámu ... Odvtedy ja
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    snívam ... Snažil som sa všade požiadať o pomoc, ale je ťažké
    nájsť úprimného a dôveryhodného človeka, ktorý by bol horlivý a nechcel
    by ma využiť. na vykonanie platby alebo rád použil svoje osobné identifikačné
    údaje .... Hrám tiež lotériu, loto, ale nemám šťastie ... Som
    z tejto situácie zúfalý a bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, keby ste mi
    pomohli a môj syn akýmkoľvek možným spôsobom. Naozaj vám ďakujem za
    prečítanie môjho listu ...
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