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Discussion in 'I Need Money Right NOW What Can I Do' started by Down&OutKiwi, May 17, 2017.

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  1. Down&OutKiwi

    Down&OutKiwi Apprentice

    A friend of mine and my family is stuck in the past he has always helped my daughter and myself through financial hardship..I am too much in my own little debt to help..My family also in same position..we would like to help him as he has just finished 8mnth contract on main highway..collateralled his home back in US to fund his excursion.. As he is self employed.. He has finished contract and his Money is tied up with Bank red tape..cannot afford transfer fees to send money home to US to pay bank back for existing loan..just needing $3500 US Dollars to get everything sorted..I wish we could help him as he has done for my daughter and I through our very hard times as I am a single mum..he has no family left as he became a widower in the last year..hence the reason for the trip to keep his mind busy or preoccupied.. I don't wish for him to be stuck there and I wish for him to just get his money and be OK..he has only got in dire straits as he has just been evicted as they knew he had been working..he's been an extra two weeks over his stay due to the circumstances with the bank..he was desperate as he had messaged us for help and we knew it had to be bad news for him to do this..I would never normally do this but if it helps get him back on his feet and out of his depression .my daughter and I would be so appreciated..i know once funded he will have his life back again as he is a superb man..if u could help he would only be too glad to help and repay the charity of our recipients choice..the thought of him being alone over there is very sad after doing his bit for the country and he is elderly..please somebody help him as nobody good deserves to go dwn like that..I pray we get a chance..I don't like asking but there comes a time in our lives we must do what we have to to survive. .Please somebody..Thank you for even considering this post..I pray someone will save our dear friend as I can't. ..but the very least I can do is beg for help..he would do the same for us.
  2. victorpisk

    victorpisk Newbie

    Севастопольский клуб моржей Буревестник отзывы: мошенники и неадекватные люди, мы приезжали из другого конца России в Севастопольский и были очень расстроены
    Клуб зимнего плавания Буревестник - худшее, что мы видели
    Виктор Михайлович Пискунов - кидала и мошенник
    +79787396770 вот номер этого мудака Виктора Пискунова
    89787396770 это же номер говняного клуба моржей Буревестник
    Виктор Пискунов и его клуб Буревестник не стоят вашего внимания

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