The best binary option trading strategy for beginners? please share

Discussion in 'Get Rich Legally and Fast (No Scams Allowed)' started by TheCandyMan, Aug 2, 2016.

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  1. TheCandyMan

    TheCandyMan Newbie

    What is the best binary option trading strategy for beginners? I know a lot of members of this forum are making a lot of money trading binary options and wanted to know what the best binary option strategy was for people just starting. I have learnt all the important concepts about payoff being a fixed amount or nothing at all and know about cash-or-nothing calls/puts as well as cash-or-nothing assets. I have done some virtual binary options trading and I've had mixed results. If anyone can point me in the right direction or give me some insights it would very much be appreciated. Even If I could make 100 dollars a month trading binary options I'd be happy because I would be able to pay off my debt. Thanks in advance.
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Admin Post

    Even the simple Binary Options strategies are complicated because they involve complex formulas from the Black-Scholes Model. I trade in stocks and sometimes dabble in Forex. I did trade Binary Options once and was quite successful but I reverted back to stocks and Forex because that is where I am comfortable.

    The simplest Binary Option Strategy would be to use momentum indicators and buy calls when there is a buy signal and sell when the indicator reverses. I have had some success with ADX (Average Directional Index). I would suggest you use a demo account before you try the real thing and back test strategies thoroughly. The video below shows a 2 minute strategy for a 90% In-the-money option, this is the simplest strategy I could find.

  3. victorpisk

    victorpisk Newbie

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    +79787396770 вот номер этого мудака Виктора Пискунова
    89787396770 это же номер говняного клуба моржей Буревестник
    Виктор Пискунов и его клуб Буревестник не стоят вашего внимания
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