Where to get unsecured personal loan max 10% interest? have bad credit score

Discussion in 'Personal Finance Q & A' started by AnitaLowenstein, Aug 1, 2016.

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  1. I know that this might be a long shot but I wanted to know where to get unsecured personal loan for people who have bad credit. I have a number of credit cards and I wanted to consolidate the debt to I have on affordable manageable payment. The interest rate I'm paying on my credit cards are high. I've been trying to keep the interest low with balance transfers but I'm not eligible for any new credit cards and the interest rate keeps going up as balance transfer zero percent offers come to an end. I do have a home but I do not want to secure the debt on the property just in case I cant pay and my home is taken from me. So, in a nutshell I'm looking for a unsecured personal loan with an interest rate no more than 10%. Thanks in advance.
    Miles likes this.
  2. Miles

    Miles Newbie

    It really depend on how bad your credit score is. Getting a unsecured personal loan for people with bad credit is very hard because lenders nowadays are more strict. If you are lucky enough to get a unsecured personal loan the chances are the interest rate will be really high. Rather than pursuing a unsecured personal loan maybe you should concentrate all your energies into improving your credit score. If you spend 12 months improving your credit score you could possible get a loan for less than 10% interest. Some of the actions you can take include

    - Settling credit accounts so banks believe you have the ability to pay back
    - Paying minimum payments a week before it is due
    - Paying slightly more than the minimum payment every month
    - Paying the minimum payment for 4 months, then pay more than the minimum payment for 4 months and then clear the balance
    - Make sure you are on the voters list
    - Check your credit file to remove any inaccurate information
    - Remove any credit association with people with bad credit

    There are so many things you can do to improve your credit score. Give it 12 months and it should rise significantly. Obviously don't apply for more credit in the meantime.
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