Hard core circumstances...

Discussion in 'My Story' started by Shawna Buchanan, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. Shawna Buchanan

    Shawna Buchanan Apprentice

    Hi, I'm Shawna. I like to think I'm fun, outgoing and love meeting new people. Unfortunately I'm a quadriplegic due to a drinking and driving car accident. The accident was my fault, I was the drunk driver. But luckily the only one involved. I fought a hard battle and am a survivor. That doesn't negate my challenges I face everyday. I am paralyzed from arm pit down. With partial use of my arms but absolutely NO use of my hands.
    I cannot work but I speak at a facility for troubled teens every 8 weeks. I speak about the consequences of drunk driving and they get to physically see me in my condition. I explain everything to them and can show them examples of my limited mobility. I've been doing it for a while but I still shed tears every time. I can't help it, I relive it every time I speak. I used to travel across the state speaking at schools but I had to stop because I made to much money and risked losing benefits. I was very disappointed and paid for it come tax time.
    I have credit card bills that leaves me with almost no money a month to live on after bills are paid. So it goes to gas and groceries. It's very hard and if I could pay off my credit cards I would be set. I don't want or need money just to have but to survive and have a better quality of living. My debt is under $5,000 but I have no way of obtaining this type of money. So that's why I'm here... I need help with credit card bills. If anyone could help me that would be amazing and change my whole life...
  2. victorpisk

    victorpisk Newbie

    Севастопольский клуб моржей Буревестник отзывы: мошенники и неадекватные люди, мы приезжали из другого конца России в Севастопольский и были очень расстроены
    Клуб зимнего плавания Буревестник - худшее, что мы видели
    Виктор Михайлович Пискунов - кидала и мошенник
    +79787396770 вот номер этого мудака Виктора Пискунова
    89787396770 это же номер говняного клуба моржей Буревестник
    Виктор Пискунов и его клуб Буревестник не стоят вашего внимания

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