Need help please

Discussion in 'Free Money for People in Need' started by tabbycally, Jan 15, 2020.

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  1. tabbycally

    tabbycally Newbie

    Hello my name is Sarah and I wanted to share my story in hopes of receiving some help. I currently live at home with my parents, and mom is the only one who is working right now, and her paycheck goes towards the bills twice a month. My father can not work due to health issues and a bad heart. As for me I can not work either due to mental and health reasons. My dad's birthday is coming up on January 9th and my sister's birthday is Match 1st and I can't get them anything because of hard times. We just lost our car due to hitting a deer and we had to go through the process of getting one which were paying off twice a month. I know money is tight everywhere this I understand, but if you can please help us even if it's the smallest amount like one dollar, it will definitely help us out during these hard times. My adopted dad has allowed me use his PayPal as donations will go straight into my bank. ( I'm not allowed to have a PayPal I'm banned from The site so he allows me to use his) The Paypal is Please if you can help that would be great. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Someone help us please?
  2. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Hello, sorry to disturb you, but I would Like to ask you, if you could
    help mé financially? I am a single Mother with a 5 year old son we háve
    beeen both left alone, since his father has left us for another woman
    only 4 days before the wedding. At the moment, I am without the job and
    nowadays it is very Hard and not easy to find the job, when there is a
    pandemic situation all across the world. I would Like to buy a house,
    property, where I can also work from home a live there at the same tíme.
    I need to buy one place, which costs 100 000 eur and another 100 000 eur
    I need for a reconstruction and refurbishment. Because the place is in a
    terrible state. So I need together 200 000 eur.. I know, that is not a
    little amount, but I am very tired from the whole situation that I
    cannot help my son and myself. No one wants to give mé a such a big
    loan, Because I am a single Mother and dont have a job. I even keep
    trying to play a lottery, but I havent been lucky so far. I dont know,
    what to do, to be able to give a chance to my son and to me. To give
    ourselves a better life. We are from a poor family and we never had an
    extra money for a free sending. Here in Slovakia we heve a small
    salaries, no financially help, or an allowances., and therefore I am
    kindly asking you for helpso I would be very greatful for it. Sorry,
    that I was troubling you with my problems. Thank you very much for
    understanding.Best regards
  3. Mon

    Mon Apprentice

    Dobrý deň, som slobodná matka s jedným dieťaťom ... Predchádzajúci priateľ a
    otec môjho syna nás opustil 6 dní pred svadbou po 6 rokoch
    vzťahu ... V práci si našiel inú dámu ... Odvtedy ja
    som sám s malým chlapcom .. som nezamestnaný a žiť s rodičmi,
    to nikdy nebolo ľahké nájsť prácu ... Chcel by som začať moje vlastné
    podnikanie a otvoriť svoje vlastné welness štúdio, ale i dont mať nejaké
    peniaze .... naozaj si chcem splniť sen a mať svoje vlastné
    veci, takže by som za prácou nemusel cestovať ďaleko za iným
    mestom ... nemám ani vodičský preukaz a cestoval som pracovať
    na bicykli na veľkú vzdialenosť. Prosím vás o pomoc, ak by ste mi mohli pomôcť
    Bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, aby som sa mohol ďalej rozvíjať v tom, o čom
    snívam ... Snažil som sa všade požiadať o pomoc, ale je ťažké
    nájsť úprimného a dôveryhodného človeka, ktorý by bol horlivý a nechcel
    by ma využiť. na vykonanie platby alebo rád použil svoje osobné identifikačné
    údaje .... Hrám tiež lotériu, loto, ale nemám šťastie ... Som
    z tejto situácie zúfalý a bol by som vám veľmi vďačný, keby ste mi
    pomohli a môj syn akýmkoľvek možným spôsobom. Naozaj vám ďakujem za
    prečítanie môjho listu ... S pozdravom ... Monika zo Slovenska
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